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ASIAN POULTRY MAGAZINE - November/December 2018

BD Malaysia ships a record 600 containers in a month Big Dutchman (BD) Malaysia has recorded its largest shipment in September, sending out 600 full containers from its warehouse in Bukit Raja, Klang, Malaysia. [...] The 20,000 sqm warehouse in Klang is BD's main distribution hub serving its offices in the Asian region like Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Japan and Korea, as well as Australia/New Zealand and others. [...]


Ohne Wert-Schätzung keine Zukunft Wie können die unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen von Tier-, Umweltschutz und Biosicherheit in einem Geflügelstall der Zukunft gemeistert werden? Dazu wurde mit Vertretern unterschiedlichster Organisationen in Hannover diskutiert. [...], Bernd Meerpohl, Fa. Big Dutchman,[...] Er betont auch, dass Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcenschonung Teil des Tierwohl-Gedankens sein müssten und Umweltschutz zum Produkt werden müsse. [...]


Dabaco Group builds state of the state-of-the-art AI farm Dabaco Group has built the first state-of the-art artificial insemination (AI) poultry farm in Vietnam using Big Dutchman equipment. [...]Big Dutchman provided 13 AI breeder houses for its farm in Bac Ninh province in north Vietnam. [...] "When we decided to go with the AI technology for breeding of yellow-feather chickens, we sought the professional guidance of Big Dutchman, from cage design to cage construction to the appropriate dimensions and the technical know-how for the entire farm. [...] By having a specialised AI cage, the farm can house a higher number of hens per sqm. [...] Equipped with Big Dutchman's modern and automated equipment, the farm provides high hygiene and sustainable products for the market. 

International Poultry Production Volume 26 Number 7

The ideal lighting concept for your poultry house With Big Dutchman's efficient ZeusLED ceiling lamp you can easily create the perfect lighting concept for your poultry house. The LED lamp is of a high quality, meets the needs of your birds and is able to withstand the specific conditions in the barn. [...]

Arab World Agribusiness Vol. 34 No. 8

KEEPING POULTRY FARMERS UP-TO-DATE ON AMMONIA CONCENTRATIONS Good news from the USA: independent trials of the renowned University of Georgia have confirmed the high accuracy of the DOL 53 ammonia sensor. The sensor developed for use in animal husbandry is distributed by the Big Dutchman group. It permanently measures the ammonia concentration in the house air. [...]


Big Dutchman Asia wins PAM Gold Award Big Dutchman Asia (BDA) has taken home the prestigious Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM) Gold Award 2018 in the Industrial Building category. [...] Designed by NWKA Architects Sdn Bhd, the 20-acre site of BDA comprising its headquarters and warehouse lies in a high-density heavy industrial zone in Bandar Bukit Raja, Klang.[...] Sustainability is not just a concept but a commitment, and Big Dutchman recognises that its existence is an integral part of a sustainable environmental ecology.


VIV EUROPE 2018 Tierwohlverbesserungen mit Liebe zum Detail Fast 600 Aussteller aus aller Welt präsentierten den knapp 20 000 Besuchern auf der VIV Europe 2018 im niederländischen Utrecht ihre Stalltechnik für die Geflügelhaltung [...] -BelEtage ist das neue Volierensystem für Broilerelterntiere von Big Dutchman. Die Tiere bewegen sich auf drei Ebenen, und die Fläche unter dem Nest ist für die Tiere nutzbare Stallgrundfläche. [...]

selecciones avícolas julio 2018

LA VIV EUROPE 2018, PROBABLEMENTE LA FERÍA AVICOLA MÁS INNOVADORA DEL MUNDO. [...]Otros dos productos para reproductores constituían una novedad, al menos para la multinacional Big Dutchman: El comedero de cadena "MaleChain", disenado expresamente para machos pesados, con distribución de pienso mediante la cadena clásica pero con salida del mismo de la tolva en dos direcciones opuestas. El aviario "BelEtage", especial para reproductores pesados, para poder aumentar la densidad de población mediante una ingeniosa disposición de los slats y el ponedero y con cintas de recogida de las deyecciones. [...] El nuevo comedero "Imperator", para pavos, de Big Dutchman, con 4 tipos diferentes de conos de descarga del pienso en el plato, para crianza, recría, hembras y machos. [...]

Arab World Agribusiness Vol. 34 No. 5

BIG DUTCHMAN PROVIDES EQUIPMENT FOR TWO BROILER BREEDER HOUSES The equipment invludes the well-proven feed pan "Male Pan" that wears down the beak naturally. [...] The barns, each measuring 28 x 100 meters and designed for 22,000 breeders, combine classic Big Dutchman products and innovations in an ideal manner. [...] The DLG experts have certified that Zeus is resistant to house air containing ammonia and that no water enters the lamp, even at a cleaning distance of only five centimetres. [...]


Stallen zonder poespas voor conceptkuikens Maatschap De Jong in het Friese Ried liet twee nieuwe stallen bouwen voor langzaam groeiende vleeskuikens. [...] Met de ingebruikname van de nieuwe stallen zijn er nu 96.000 vleeskuikens op het bedrijf. [...] De stallen zijn aangesloten op Big Dutchman-warmtewisselaars. "Ze filteren fijn stof en zijn bovendien gemakkelijk en droog schoon te maken", aldus De Jong. De stallucht wordt onder hoge druk door de filters geblazen. [...]

Zootecnica June 2018

BD Agricoltura Italia, the new Big Dutchman branch in Italy at your disposal [...] After its foundation in 2017, BD Agricoltura Italia srl is looking back at a very successful first year. In addition to having sold 1,004,000 hen places in Natura Nova Twin aviaries and 280,000 in Natura 70 and 70 Plus aviaries, BD Agricoltura Italia has started selling equipment for poultry growing and pig production. [...]

PLUIMVEEWEB juni nummer 3 2018

'Vleeskuikens renderen beter dan akkerbouw' Familie [...] (FR) vervijfvoudigt vleeskuikentak [...] bouwden op hun bedrijf in het Friese Ried twee nieuwe stallen voor ieder 39.000 trager groeiende vleeskuikens. De familie vervijfvoudigt daarmee haar vleeskuikentak. [...]


Innovative Haltungssysteme für Huhn und Schwein. Tierwohl kostet einfach Milliarden Tierwohl kostet Geld - das ist den Fachleuten der Agrar- und Ernährungsbranche klar. Doch wissen das auch "die anderen"? Für mehr Verständnis bei der Finanzierung von Tierwohlmaßnahmen warb das Agrar- und Ernährungsforum Oldenburger Münsterland (AEF) Mitte Januar vor Journalisten der öffentlichen Medien. Im AEF organisierte Unternehmen wie Big Dutchman [...] erklärten vereinfacht, was Nutztiere für Ansprüche besitzen und wie man versuche, mehr Tierwohl in den Haltungssystemen umzusetzen. [...]

Pluimvee - MAART 2018

Gezien op de Agridagen [...]Op twee standen (Fagrotec en [...] stond de BlueFan ventilator in de kijker. Doordat deze hoofdzakelijk uit gladde kunststof bestaat wordt een lange levensduur ggarandeerd, is hij eenvoudig te reinigen en tevens energiezuinig. Twee grote kleppen zorgen voor een perfecte afsluiting zodat de leklucht bij sluiting zeer beperkt is. [...]

International Poultry Production - Volume 26 Number 2

feeders The new feed pan for successful broiler growing Big Dutchman's Vista 360 has been designed without a grill to allow easy access to the feed. The pan not only satisfies the needs of day-old chicks but also those of heavy birds during the final grow-out period. [...] The pan can swing freely on the pipe, making it very animal-friendly. [...]

International Hatchery - Practice Volume 32 Number 3

Options for breeder nests Nest with integrated bird scale - the perfect solution Big Dutchman's group laying nest Relax was developed especially for broiler breeders. It helps maintain a high hygienic standard. [...]

Pluimveeweb, april nummer 2, 2018

Big Dutchman richt twee Belgische stallen in Familie Verwaest-Mes uit Oud-Turnhout in Belgie heeft recentelijk twee stallen laten bouwen voor het houden van elk 22.000 vleeskuikenouderdieren. De stallen zijn uitgerust met klassiekers en innovaties van Big Dutchman, waaronder het kettingvoersysteem. [...]


Big Dutchman offers flexible automation choices Big Dutchman launched Vento II, a tailor-made product for India to help the poultry industry get used to onfarm automation. [...] "Vento II is a proven system that monitors real time feed and water consumption, ventilation, and temperature in broiler and layer houses," explained Mr. Dalinghaus. [...]

My Big Dutchman


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