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Exhaust air chimneys

for efficient and optimised air extraction

Big Dutchman offers an extensive product line of exhaust air chimneys and corresponding chimney fans to ensure that exhaust air extraction is ideally aligned with the animals’ needs. Thanks to the flow optimised chimneys, the fan’s air performance improves while power consumption is reduced.

The fans with sickle-shaped blades used in the chimneys are of a very high quality. The blades are made of aluminium in a moulded diecasting process and are therefore absolutely winter-proof and resistant to corrosion. Due to their aerodynamic shape, they save more energy, are more resistant to pressure and produce less noise than traditional fans. The following chimneys and exhaust air principles can be used:

  • CL 600 and CL 820 exhaust air chimneys
  • wall chimneys
  • MultiStep®, Dynamic MultiStep and DynamicAir control principles
  • BD exhaust air chimneys VC
  • centralised exhaust air extraction

CL 600 and CL 820: the originals for climate professionals

Versatile exhaust air chimneys with a unique design

The Big Dutchman CL series exhaust air chimneys have proven their worth hundreds of thousands of times in the past 25 years and come with the following exceptional characteristics:

  • aerodynamic design for efficient air extraction;
  • made of polypropylene and with a smooth, dirt-repellent surface for high stability;
  • insensitive to sunlight and frost and therefore very durable;
  • easy to clean with a high-pressure cleaner;
  • labyrinth seal installed between roof duct and roof sheet for watertightness;
  • no additional sealing material required;
  • the self-supporting design means that supplementary suspension or bracing is unnecessary;
  • roof sheet and external ducts are made of GRP to allow for adjustments on site;
  • the roof sheet is supplied according to roof slope and profile, side or ridge installation, height above roof and colour of the roof;
  • easy to assemble and to dismantle;
  • the CL 74 actuator closes the chimney securely or reduces the volume flow exactly as required for minimum ventilation.

Guide vane for CL 600 and CL 820

For a significantly increased working range of the chimney

The guide vane is simply screwed tightly to the exhaust air chimney, right above the fan. The exhaust air jet is concentrated by deviating the radial and circular air flow control components. This leads to a significantly increased working range of the chimney. The guide vane can be retrofitted easily.

المميزات الرئيسية

  • up to 80 percent increased working range of the chimney;
  • only minimal decrease (approx. 3 percent) of the chimney’s air extraction performance;
  • no chimney extension required, i.e. no storm bracing and no unattractive outward appearance of the barn;
  • economic alternative to a chimney extension;
  • quick and easy assembly.

CL 600 and CL 820 exhaust air chimneys for wall installation

Very good adjustability and pressure resistance even at low air flow rates

The CL 600 and CL 820 exhaust air chimneys are well suited for installation into a gable end or side wall. Compared to simple wall fans, wall chimneys can control the exhaust air volume flow more precisely thanks to the motor-driven shutter, especially with minimum ventilation.

They are also less susceptible to wind. The exhaust air volume can thus be aligned more accurately with the animals’ actual needs. For space and weight reasons, a diffuser is not part of the standard equipment, but is an option when ordering.


The innovative fan with high potential for energy savings

ECblue fans not only save energy but are also extremely resistant to pressure and thus even less susceptible to wind. Pressure stability is especially important with minimum ventilation. The noise level of the ECblue fans is also approx. 50 percent lower than that of standard fans.

ECblue is powered by an external-rotor EC motor. In combination with Dynamic MultiStep, you can save up to 50 percent in electricity costs compared to traditional systems!

المميزات الرئيسية

  • very high energy-saving potential;
  • high efficiency in the entire speed range;
  • universal activation via a 0-10 V analogue signal;
  • pre-set ventilation level is precisely maintained due to the included speed feedback;
  • very low noise level thanks to corrugated blade edges;
  • easy and cost-efficient installation.


The exhaust air control principle for stepless ventilation

MultiStep combines stepless control and on/off group control. The benefit: stepless ventilation that optimally meets the livestock’s needs. The entire ventilation system is more pressure-stable and less susceptible to wind. 

The climate computer controls just one exhaust air chimney steplessly from 0 to 100 per cent and only starts up additional chimneys at full capacity (on/off method) when required.

Dynamic MultiStep

The energy-saving exhaust air control principle for stepless ventilation

The enhanced version of the well-proven MultiStep exhaust air control principle is called “Dynamic MultiStep”. Dynamic MultiStep works exclusively with the new, extremely energy-saving ECblue fans. Instead of starting at 100 per cent speed, these fans begin working as low as approx. 50 per cent of maximum speed.

Only after all fans in the house have been started one after another at 50 per cent (a value that may vary depending on the required pressure resistance) is their speed increased simultaneously to 100 per cent when the ventilation demand requires this. Compared with the MultiStep solution, the power consumption of the new Dynamic MultiStep control principle is another 50 per cent lower!

Very clever: lowering the speed by half requires just one eighth of the energy! A climate computer is responsible for controlling this system as well.


For precise recording of the volume flow of exhaust air chimneys

The DynamicAir principle was invented to optimise the air exchange in livestock houses even further. With minimum ventilation rates, especially, it is very important to know exactly how much air passes through the exhaust air chimney to be able to provide optimal climate conditions for the animals and to reduce the heating costs at the same time. 

المميزات الرئيسية

  • very accurate recording of the air rate of exhaust air chimneys without any additional mechanical/moving components;
  • reduction of heating costs thanks to precise minimum ventilation;
  • suitable for both new buildings and for retrofitting*;
  • long service life at a continuously high operational reliability.

* only in combination with the 307pro, 310pro and ViperTouch climate computers

BD exhaust air chimneys VC

With different pipe diameters

The BD exhaust air chimneys VC are available with several different diameters and can, therefore, be easily adapted to any ventilation system and spacing of roof trusses.

They are made of 30 mm thick polyurethane pipes coated with smooth, glass-fibre reinforced polyester. This means that all VC chimneys are well-insulated, condensation is prevented and noise is reduced.

The chimney pipes are delivered in halves (VC) and are assembled on site, thus saving transport costs. They are, however, also available as fully-assembled pipes (AF). A roof sheet seals all chimneys.

Centralised exhaust air extraction

To bundle the sources of emission

Reducing emissions from livestock houses will become increasingly important in the future. In some countries, authorities already require that the exhaust air be extracted at one central point (bundled), and that this point of exit be installed at a height of no less than 10 metres. A bundled emission system works like a large chimney with a stable airflow.

المميزات الرئيسية

  • separation of animal area and exhaust air tower for significantly improved hygienic conditions;
  • no leaking air caused by idle fans;
  • no openings for unwanted leakage of rain water into the building;
  • no undesired incidence of light;
  • thorough and easy cleaning of tower and chimneys with a high-pressure cleaner, separately from the barn;
  • no problems with the static values of the roof;
  • simple installation of the chimneys on the tower;
  • no stability problems with strong winds.

My Big Dutchman


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