The semi-automatic vaccinator for pullets – one wing and up to four breast injections given simultaneously –
With MultiVacc, Big Dutchman has developed a semi-automatic vaccinator which promises easy handling while offering high vaccination accuracy. If required, up to four injections into the breast muscles plus the pox vaccine into the wing can be administered at the same time. This reduces the stress caused by the vaccination process. The birds do not have to be caught and moved several times.
The vaccine type and its quantity may be set beforehand using a computer, tablet or smartphone. The central control unit then dispenses the exact dosage of the vaccine. Incorrect operation is thus nearly impossible. A vaccination protocol allows for an evaluation of the number of vaccinated birds, of the dosages, and of any potential error messages.
Важни преимущества
- high vaccination and dosage accuracy through various breed-specific sizes of breast trays;
- reduction of stress for the birds due to synchronised multi-dose vaccinations;
- settings pre-configured with the computer, i.e. no settings necessary at the vaccinator;
- vaccination protocol for transparency and a good overview of all birds successfully vaccinated;
- high throughput rate;
- compliance with high hygienic standards;
- mobile and easy to transport;
- reduced workload: birds do not have to be held in position during the procedure;
- patent pending.