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The feeding system for successful poultry growing

A feeding system for poulty growing must meet very high standards – depending on feed distribution (ad libitum or controlled feeding) and age and type of birds. The system has to satisfy the needs of dayolds as well as those of heavy birds. Easy access to the feed and avoidance of feed wastage are of great importance.

To meet these requirements the best possible way, we offer our customers a variety of feed pans that can all be filled with feed by means of the renowned AugerMatic conveying system:

  • BigPan 330
  • BigPan Plus
  • MultiPan 
  • MultiPan Plus

BigPan 330

The well-proven feed pan for broiler growing

Важни преимущества

  • Screwless snap-on system simple and easy to assemble
  • Pan either swinging freely or fixed to the pipe always animal friendly
  • Sliding shut-off to close the pan
  • Smooth shape of rim avoids breast bruising during finishing period
  • Pan can be flooded for day-old chicks simply by spinning no extra work for adjusting the feed level
  • Pan rim curved to the inside prevents feed wastage
  • Hinged-type pan bottom easy to clean
  • V-shaped pan bottom is seated deeply in the litter ideal for day-olds

BigPan Plus

for controlled growing of broilers and rearing of ducks

Especially birds of more than 2 kg live weight can receive controlled feeding today. In this way, the development of the cardio-vascular system and the skeleton can keep pace with the increase in weight. An essential prerequisite for controlled feeding is that the feeding system distributes the feed rapidly throughout the entire house upon each feeding time.

AugerMatic with BigPan Plus is ideally suited for this purpose. The volume reducing insert in combination with the sectional dish reduces the feed volume by approx. 2 /3. This allows filling the pans of one line with feed very rapidly.

Важни преимущества

  • less damage to the skeleton, less leg and foot problems; 
  • improved feed conversion due to smaller fat deposits and lower mortality rate; 
  • precise attainment of the bird weights desired for the day of slaughter.

MultiPan & MultiPan Plus

Flexible feed pans for rearing and growing

Do you want to face the changing requirements of the poultry meat market and be flexible in reacting to these requirements? Then you should choose Big Dutchman MultiPan or MultiPan Plus feeders. These feed pans were specially designed for alternative growing of broilers, turkeys, ducks and other growing poultry (guinea fowl, pheasants, geese) up to a live weight of 12 kg.

Depending on the type of bird and feeding (ad-libitum or controlled), MultiPan or MultiPan Plus is the right pan for your house. For growing poultry up to approx. 2.5 kg live weight as well as for rearing turkeys and ducks, the pans are used without feed-saving lip. From a live weight of approx. 2.5 kg upwards, the lip can be installed to minimise feed losses.

My Big Dutchman

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