Bird weighing

Precision weighing systems for all types of poultry

Monitoring bird weights is an important tool in modern poultry management. Especially in poultry growing, the exact determination of bird weights is a decisive factor for economic success.

Any farmer keeping broiler breeders, pullets or layers must also check carefully the weight during the birds’ development. Too high or too low weights always have a negative effect on the production results and also mean that the farmer is not taking full advantage of the birds’ genetic potential. This, in turn, influences the farm’s profits negatively.

Big Dutchman can offer the right poultry scales for any application. Whether a fixed or a mobile version, a stand-alone system or scales integrated into the production computer is needed, our experts will be pleased to offer advice.

Swing 20

Versatile poultry scale

Swing 20 consists of a load cell and a platform made from plastic material (or, as an option, stainless steel). Using the telescopic suspension pole, the platform can easily be adjusted in height and thus adapted to the birds’ age. The scales are well accepted by the birds, resulting in plenty of weighings and therefore also in precise weight data.

Swing 20 is suspended from the house’s ceiling. During the service period, the scales can simply be removed for cleaning while the weighing electronics remain installed close to the ceiling where they are protected against dirt and dust.

Swing 100

Poultry scale for turkeys

Swing 100 consists of a 1 x 1 m large plastic plate that is fixed to two stainless steel brackets. Swing 100 is attached directly to the load cell by means of four suspension ropes and snap hooks.

This guarantees a high number of weighings and therefore precise weight determination.

The scale comes with a winch so that its height can easily be adjusted to meet the birds’ age. For cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner, the scales can be released from the snap hooks.

Incas 2

Poultry scale for layers

Incas 2 are poultry scales that can be used in houses where layers are kept on the floor or in cages. Thanks to the multi-purpose stainless steel suspension, Incas 2 can either be fitted laterally to the wire mesh or, if the load cell is angled accordingly, be fixed to the system’s flooring.

Due to the low weight of only 2 kg, Incas 2 is well-suited for use as mobile poultry scales. The small distance between the floor and the load cell, which is shaped like a perch, ensures a high number of weighings and therefore precise weight determination.


Poultry scale for pullets and the AviMax broiler system

IncasCompact are poultry scales ideal for weighing pullets as well as broilers kept in the AviMax system. The scales are made entirely from stainless steel. The circular weighing platform has a diameter of 15 cm.

IncasCompact is simply placed on the floor where the two feet hook into the flooring. Thanks to the compact design, the scales can also be used for mobile weighing.

Nesca 2

Poultry scale for broiler breeders

Nesca 2 are poultry scales developed by Big Dutchman (and recently patented) for integration into colony nests. The scales automatically determine the weight of hens that visit the nest to lay their eggs.

Nesca records the largest possible range of weights of a great number of hens, whether they are heavy, light or “lazy” (i.e. not moving about much), without requiring any additional efforts from the staff. Nesca 2 consists of a bottom wire mesh which rests on two load cells. The load cells transmit their results to the production computer via a weighing module.

Důležité výhody

  • automatic weight determination;
  • a lower number of manual weighings reduces the workload and saves time;
  • the period for weighing can be defined individually, for example before feeding or during the main laying phase;
  • automatic differentiation between males and females during weighing.

FlexScale 2

Manual mobile poultry scale

FlexScale 2 are mobile poultry scales with a large touchscreen. The scales can be suspended from a robust eyelet, allowing the operator to use both hands to catch the birds. An optionally available wings clamp turns the weighing of up to 10 kg heavy birds into an easy task.

The display immediately shows not only the bird weight, but also minimum/maximum weights, the average weight and the uniformity. A series of measurements taken with FlexScale 2 can be assigned to different flocks and houses. All data can be analysed in detail at the PC using the provided software. The data can also be displayed, via wi-fi, on connected mobile devices such as smartphones, for example.

FlexScale 2 has a concise display, much memory capacity and a long battery life. The scales are also easy to use. The battery is charged with a USB cable. The charging cable, a protective transport case and the software are included upon delivery. A calibration weight of 1 kg can be supplied as an optional extra.

My Big Dutchman

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