Watt Poultry, USA, Vol. 108, No. 1, January 2003
"One of the highlights of the EuroTier Show was a special display that illustrated the egg flow of eggs throughout production and processing. The egg production aspect was represented by four Big Dutchman laying systems for floor and free-range (Natura Nova) and the 625A-EU for furnished or enriched cages, the Univent UV550-AL for non-EU cage systems and a colony laying nest."
Filières Avicoles, France, N° 650, Janvier 2003
"A partir de son bureau, même situé à des milliers de kilomètres de son atelier de ponte, il est possible de gérer et contrôler chacun des poulaillers grâce au système global Amacs. Sur l'écran de l'ordinateur apparaît chaque bâtiment dans sa configuration réelle avec ses cheminées de ventilation, ses extracteurs, ses trappes, ses mélangeurs d'air, ... etc. ... Des caméras installées dans le bâtiment, en particulier dans quelques cages témoins ainsi que dans le magasin de collecte des œufs, peuvent fournir une information en temps réel et ainsi la possibilité de corriger les paramètres de la conduite du poulailler... L'ordinateur centralise et gère également les données statistiques de consommation et de production des différents ateliers qu'il contrôle."
Filières Avicoles, France, N° 650, Janvier 2003
"Destinée à succéder à l'assiette Big Pan 330, le nouveau nourrisseur FluxX de Big Dutchman se caractérise par son adaptation à tous les âges du poulet de chair quel que soit son gabarit et ses besoins. L'éleveur peut, d'une seule main, régler sept niveaux différents d'aliment en fonction de l'âge des volailles. A l'intérieur de l'assiette, sept séparations délimitent des compartiments qui évitent le gaspillage d'aliment par les volailles. Ces séparations ... sont rotatives, d'où l'assurance de bien nettoyer chaque assiette lors du lavage à haute pression."
Watt Poultry, USA, International Poultry Exposition Guide 2003
"Big Dutchman - the world leader in poultry and egg production systems. Over 60 years of ongoing research and development enable Big Dutchman to provide today's growers with the leading-edge solutions and innovative products required to run business efficiently and cost-effectively. With new products continually evolving from ongoing research, Big Dutchman is your complete solution for all poultry equipment needs."
Poultry International, USA, Vol. 42, No. 2, February 2003
"Exhaust air cleaning: Big Dutchman has developed a way to reduce odour, ammonia and dust from poultry houses. Before the exhaust air leaves the house, it is conducted through a thin honeycombed filter unit. As the filter unit is sprayed with water, it collects the dust. In the next step, the filter is sprinkled with sulphurous acid, binding the ammonia components in the house air. After filtering, the air is almost odourless and 70% of the ammonia and 90% of the dust have been removed. The scum produced can be used as fertiliser. The company claims that the new system is both economic to run and easy to maintain."
World Poultry, The Netherlands, Vol. 19 No. 1 2003
"Big Dutchman improved their egg collection system. The new elevator EQ210 substantially reduces the amount of cracked and hairline-cracked eggs. Maintenance and cleaning of the elevator has been simplified. It has shock absorbers and two-component dosing wheels for smooth egg transport. The plastic bars for the elevator chain carefully collect the eggs and the new cross belt transfer along with the aptly-named finger wheel ensure a gentle change of direction during egg transport."
Poultry International, USA, Vol. 42, No. 2, February 2003
"Big Dutchman has introduced a new feed pan, the FluxX, for broilers. The new pan is suitable for all ages of birds. For day-olds, the 360° flooding feature ensures an even distribution of feed all the way round the pan. As the birds get older, the feed line can be raised to an appropriate height and the flooding mechanism closes automatically to lower the feed level and reduce waste. The "Spin-n-Lock" mechanism allows the feed level to be fixed to one of seven levels. The pan is available with a 5-arm or 14-arm grille, with either a V-shaped or flat pan bottom."
Poultry International, USA, Vol. 42, No. 2, February 2003
"Climate computer: Big Dutchman proudly proclaims their new climate controller sets new standards in control, security and user friendliness. The MC234 is a PID computer, allowing the house temperature to be adjusted easily and exactly to the desired level. It is fitted with a Compact Flash Card, which enables the farmer to store a back-up copy of the settings on his climate computer. There is MultiStep® control of the exhaust air units for minimum current consumption. The unit has different user levels protected by passwords so settings can only be changed by those authorised to do so. The modular design means that the system can be expanded without difficulty."
World Poultry, The Netherlands, Vol. 19 No. 1 2003
"Big Dutchman improved their egg collection system. The new elevator EQ210 substantially reduces the amount of cracked and hairline-cracked eggs. Maintenance and cleaning of the elevator has been simplified. It has shock absorbers and two-component dosing wheels for smooth egg transport. The plastic bars for the elevator chain carefully collect the eggs and the new cross belt transfer along with the aptly-named finger wheel ensure a gentle change of direction during egg transport."
Filières Avicoles, France, N° 654, Mai 2003
"Élevage Service, filiale du groupe Maïsadour spécialisée dans l'équipement d'élevage, est désormais le distributeur du fabricant Big Dutchman pour tout le grand Sud-Ouest de la France, soit 16 départements. ... Au travers de cet accord de distribution, Élevage Service élargit son activité actuelle (principalement volailles de chair et palmipèdes gras) à d'autres secteurs de l'élevage avicole, comme les poules pondeuses d'œufs de consommation (en cages ou en systèmes alternatifs) et les élevages de reproduction, ainsi que la production porcine."
BW agrar, Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt, Nr. 8, Februar 2003
"Big Dutchman stellte auf der EuroTier 2002 in Hannover das erste Management- und Steuersystem für die moderne Geflügelhaltung vor, dessen Software auf aktueller Browser- und Internettechnologie basiert. Das unter dem Namen AMACS entwickelte "Agro Management and Control System" eröffnet künftig eine Vielzahl von neuen Möglichkeiten, die die "Gläserne Produktion" Wirklichkeit werden lassen. ... Das System ermöglicht die permanente Datenerfassung, Steuerung und Überwachung von Legehennenfarmen in Echtzeit von praktisch jedem Standort der Welt aus. ...Über eine Webkamera ist selbst der direkte Einblick in den Stall möglich."
Asian Poultry Magazine, Singapore, January/February 2003
"Big Dutchman will present the first management and control system for modern poultry management based on browser and web technology. The 'Agro Management and Control System', called AMACS, now offers a great variety of new possibilities. AMACS consists of modular hardware and software components and allows permanent data collection, control and monitoring of layer farms in real time from virtually any location in the world. ... AMACS allows reliable and continuous checks and control. Thanks to open interfaces all data can automatically be retrieved into existing databases, Intranet or web applications for further processing."
BW agrar, Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt, Nr. 8, Februar 2003
"Zu den Neuheiten, die Big Dutchman in Hannover auf der EuroTier 2002 präsentierte, zählte die Futterschale FluxX. Die Schale besitzt einen Futter-Flutmechanismus (360°), der beim Absetzen auf den Stallboden für einen gleichmäßig hohen Füllstand in der gesamten Schale sorgt. Neu an der Schale ist auch das "Spin-n-Lock"-System. Es ermöglicht das Verriegeln und Einstellen des Futterniveaus in sieben Stufen mit nur einer Hand. "
International Hatchery Practice, England, Vol. 17, N° 4 2003
"Big Dutchman have developed their Champion fast feeding system for rational breeder feeding by increasing the conveyor capacity to 36 m/min. The Champion feed chain distributes the feed rapidly, evenly and reliably and ever increasing sales figures prove its unrivalled quality. ... Big Dutchman chain feeders are suitable for both floor mounted and suspended installations. This chain feeding system ensures a simple operation, which requires minimum time for maintenance."
Zootecnica International, Italien, N° 02, Februar 2003
"Big Dutchman introduced one of its latest innovations: the new Exhaust Air Cleaning System called "MagixX". This innovative technique considerably reduces the unpleasant side effects of pig and poultry management such as bad smell on livestock farms. A Big Dutchman spokesman says: "Our aim is to offer a cost-efficient system of components, thus enabling even the smaller farms to comply with ecological standards." Before the exhaust air leaves the house, ... it is conducted through a thin, honeycombed filter unit, ... sprinkled with water and ... a sulphurous acid. Once the exhaust air has passed through the filter units, the odor is almost completely eliminated. While the ammonia content can be reduced by as much as 70 per cent, the dust content can even be reduced by 90 per cent. An additional advantage is that the scum can be used as high-quality fertilizer. One of the further benefits of MagixX is that it is easy to maintain. Moreover, it can individually be combined and modified according to the operational requirements."
Zootecnica International, Italien, N° 02, Februar 2003
"Big Dutchman introduced the Fluxx feeding system for broilers which permits an even distribution of feed across the surface of the pan. The design incorporates snap-on pans and adjustment of volume delivered as the feed line is raised to accommodate to increasing intake by the flock."
Zootecnica International, Italien, N° 02, Februar 2003
"Big Dutchman offered a comprehensive range of cages including the Compact 500 Series, especially suitable for new installations incorporating high-rise construction, allowing storage of manure for up to a complete cycle. Big Dutchman Profi-Tier systems can be installed in either existing or new building and the stair-step configuration is available in 3, 4 or 5 tiers. The eight models available in the series include standard, narrow or broad profile cages in widths ranging from 305 mm to 610 mm."
Zootecnica International, Italien, N° 02, Februar 2003
"Big Dutchman offers the Natura multi-level installation equipped with mechanical egg collection from nests, chain feeding and perching. Natura systems can be installed in houses which allow outside access which is mandated for US Organic certification. "
Asian Poultry Magazine, Singapore, March 2003
"Big Dutchman has expanded its Asian operations in Thailand and has set up a warehouse-cum-office in the outskirts of Bangkok to support its sales and technical services in Thailand. ... With its new warehouse Big Dutchman will be able to serve both the large integrators as well as specialised smaller customers... "With the new set-up we also hope to serve our commercial egg-producing customers better with spare parts and after-sales service by specialised technicians" said Brian McCawley, Managing Director of Big Dutchman's Thailand operation "BD Agriculture"."
Avicultura Industrial, Brasilien, N° 03/2003
"O principal destaque da empresa continua sendo o seu comedouro Unigrow 360, que está há mais de seis anos no mercado. Ele permite o ajuste simultâneo de todos os pratos de modo uniforme e pode fornecer ração em toda a sua extensão (360°), o que facilita o acessa das aves desde as suas primeiras horas de vida. Como não possui grades, este comedouro evita que os pintinhos fiquem presos dentro dele, dificultando a alimentação das outras aves e prejudicando o desempenho produtivo delas."
Canadian Poultry, Canada, May 2003
"Big Dutchman has been exhibiting the Colony 2+ Group Laying Nest at recent trade shows. It has a central egg belt and a divided, tilting nest floor. Before the nest is closed at night, all eggs can roll backwards onto the perforated belt - which incidentally maximizes egg cooling. Not only does this tilting floor prevent hens from sleeping in and soiling the nest, the daily dust drops off the nest insert. The Colony 2+ nest is available in wall or double width designs and in either one or two tiers. The double nest units are 241 cm x 84 cm and each single tier unit is designed to best serve from 260 light breeders to 310 heavy breeders each."
Who's Who International, Watt Poultry, England, Summer 2003
"...Big Dutchman has planned and carried out feeding systems and housing equipment for modern poultry management and, already for many years, the company is considered the world-wide market leader of the industry. Big Dutchman offers practical, economical and environment-friendly solutions all geared to future needs. Across five continents and in more than 100 countries of the world, the name Big Dutchman stands for long lasting quality, and unsurpassed know-how."
Thüringer Bauern Zeitung, 23. Woche, 6.6.2003
"agra 2003: Big Dutchman rief besonders mit der neuen Futterschale FluxX das Interesse der Besucher hervor. Sie wurde für die Aufzucht und Mast von Broilern konzipiert und stellt eine Neuentwicklung auf der Basis der etablierten Big Pan 330 dar. Ihr patentierter 360-Grad-Futter-Flutmechanismus sorgt bereits während der ersten Masttage für einen gleichmäßig hohen Füllstand in der gesamten Schale. ... Mit dem PigNic stellte der Stallausrüster aus Vechta-Calveslage ein weiteres innovatives Element seiner Futterautomatenpalette vor. In zwei unterschiedlichen Ausführungen können mit ihm bis zu 40 Tiere in der Ferkelaufzucht und der Schweinemast gefüttert werden. Der Automat ist für den Einsatz von Pellets, Krümeln oder Mehl gleichermaßen gut geeignet."
DGS intern, Woche 24, 14.6.2003
"Big Dutchman eröffnet Logostikzentrum - Mit einer symbolischen Schlüsselübergabe und einem Tag der offenen Tür ist der neue Firmensitz von Big Dutchman Polska in Tarnowo Podgòrne vor den Toren Posens kürzlich offiziell seiner Bestimmung übergeben worden.
"Wir haben an einem idealen Standort in einer für die Tierhaltung bedeutenden Region ein neues Bürogebäude mit Ausstellungsraum und modernem Lager errichtet und können heute ein neues Big Dutchman-Logistikzentrum in Osteuropa eröffnen", erklärte der Big Dutchman-Vorstand Bernd Meerpohl. Die Aufgaben der polnischen Tochtergesellschaft bestehe nicht nur darin, den derzeit drittwichtigsten osteuropäischen Big Dutchman-Markt zu bedienen. Darüber hinaus solle eine schnellere und bessere Ersatzteilversorgung sichergestellt werden, und zwar auch für wichtige angrenzende Regionen."
Asian Poulty, August 2003
"New Big Dutchman salesman for Japan & Korea - Uwe Bödecker has taken over Big Dutchman sales for Japan and South Korea. Mr Bödecker, 36, has been with the Big Dutchman Group for almost eight years. He was a Sales Coordinator for Asia at the Big Dutchman headquarters in Calveslage, Germany, when he joined Big Dutchman Asia two years ago. "
"Latest innovation from Newquip is the FLUXX feeder pan from Big Dutchman which not only satisfies the needs of day old broilers but also those of heavy birds at the end of the growing period, pullet replacements and adult layers.
During the first days the 360° flooding feature ensures a high feed level all the way round the pan. As the birds grow and the pans are raised the flooding mechanism closes thus decreasing the feed level in the pan. Seven baffles prevent birds flicking feed from side to side thereby minimising wastage…"
Paysan Breton Spécial, 12 Septembre 2003
"Flash sur quelques autres nouveautés – FluxX de Big Dutchman: Le plateau d’aliment FluxX (de Big Dutchman) garantit un haut niveau d’aliment dans le plateau durant les premiers jours de démarrage. En relevant la ligne d’alimentation en fonction de l’âge et de la taille des animaux, le mécanisme de remplissage se ferme automatiquement et le niveau d’aliment baisse. Les gaspillages d’aliment peuvent ainsi être évités. Le système d’ajustement breveté «Spin-n-Lock», permet de fermer et d’ajuster sept positions différentes de niveau d’aliment."
Filières Avicoles, Septembre 2003
"Assiette FluxX: remplissage d’aliment à 360°: La nouvelle assiette Big Dutchman «FluxX» peut être utilisée aussi bien pour les poulets en fin d’engraissement. Elle présente un mécanisme de remplissage à 360°, bientôt breveté. Ceci garantit un haut niveau d’aliment dans le plateau pendant les premiers jours de démarrage, sans travail supplémentaire pour l’éleveur, précise le constructeur. Selon l’âge et la taille des animaux, la totalité de la ligne d’alimentation peut être relevée, lemécanisme de remplissage se ferme automatiquement et le niveau d’aliment baisse, ce qui permet d’éviter tout gaspillage.
D’autre part, sept volets intégrés dans le cylindre extérieur contribuent aussi à la réduction du gaspillage. Ils empêchent en effet les poulets d’expulser l’aliment Latéralement. A cela s’ajoute un système d’ajustement breveté «Spin – n-lock», qui permet de fermer et de régler sept positions différentes du niveau d’aliment, et ceci avec une seule main, souligne Big Dutchman.
Deux modèles de FluxX sont disponibles : avec une grille de 5 ou de 14 bras et un fond de plateau profond ou, divisé en 14 sections."
Asian Poultry, October 2003
"Big Dutchman featured prominently at Livestock Asia 2003 as they were one of the sponsors of the show. At their large and well-located booth, they displayed and promoted a variety of products for both the poultry and swine industries. [...]"
Poultry International, Vol. 42 / November 2003
"Big Dutchman has enlarged its Repromatic feed pan line for broiler breeders. The ReproPan product range has now been widened by two new models with reduced eating window heights specially designed for breeds with only little difference of head size between males and females. [...]"
International Poultry Production – Volume 11 Number 4, 2003
"SaniStar for broilers gives optimum performance - To achieve the optimum performance from your birds, it is extremely important to provide fresh and clean drinking water. SaniStar from Big Dutchman is a new hygienic nipple without drip cup for growing broilers. During the development phase the focus was on hygiene in order to produce healthier birds. [...]"
Asian Poultry Magazine – November/ December 2003
"On all accounts, Big Dutchman’s recent seminar “Innovation of Broiler Equipment”, held in Singburi Province, Thailand, was a big success. Over 50 participants from various provinces came to listen to lectures about modern broiler farming and high technology broiler equipment especially suited for contract farming. [...]"
Filières Avicoles, Décembre 2003
"Big Dutchman: bon accueil au nid Colony 2+ - Que ce soit pour l´élevage de reproductrices ou celui de pondeuses d´œufs de consommation au sol (plein air, label rouge, bio), le pondoir collectif Colony 2+ proposé par Big Dutchman recoit un bon accueil de la part des professionnels de la production d'œufs à couver et de l'œuf alternatif. [...]"
World Poultry No. 12 2003
"The Netherlands - Big Dutchman is supporting the Dutch solidarity foundation “Stichting Solidariteit Pluimveehouderij” (SSP) with a total of 15,000 euros. The foundation has committed itself to assisting Dutch farmers affected by the avian plague. [...] Tonny Zents was very pleased with the endorsement and approval of the world market leader of housing equipment from Vechta-Calveslage, Germany: “This is an especially positive signal and an impressive demonstration of the confidence Big Dutchman has in the Dutch poultry industry.”"
WATT Poultry, USA, December 2003
"Will the broiler house built by Mark and Christy McDowell be the design of the fututre? The McDowell's are betting yes, and so is their integrator, Mountaire Farms ..... Key attractions to the new wide-span design include superior utilization of the equipment inside the house. The McDowell's house has three feeder lines (Big Dutchman Fluxx 4 pans per 9-ft. section), which means lower per-bird investment in this equipment. The house has 6 watering lines [...] over the entire length of the house."