BIG DUTCHMAN INNOVATION: IDOL 29 SENSOR FOR CONTROL PANS NOW WITH INTEGRATED LED ILLUMINATION Big Dutchman is offering a new, smart sensor for broiler feeding: the German poultry equipment supplier has integrated an LED lamp in its proven iDOL 29 sensor, which registers the feed level in the second to last feed pan. [...] Existing systems are easy to retrofit. [...] no additional assembly work is required. [...]

Bauern Zeitung 44 Woche 2022

Wohin mit dem Mist? [...] Eine Methode, Reststoffe zu verwerten, ist die Kompostierung. Hierfür stehen mit dem Compo-Tower und Compoliner zwei anschlussfertige Komplettanlagen zur Verfügung. [...] Das Endprodukt ist Kompost: wertvoller organischer Dünger, der auch pelletiert werden kann. Er hat eine gute Pflanzenverfügbarkeit und kann zur allgemeinen Bodenverbesserung im Gartenbau und in der Landwirtschaft eingesetzt werden. [...]

ASIAN PORK MAGAZINE September/October 2022

Energy savings with big Dutchman's AirMaster EVO Big Dutchman's new energy efficient AirMaster EVO fan is set to revolutionize the way egg, poultry, and pig houses are ventilated. Made specifically for the Asian market, it represents an evolution in fans for tunnel ventilation environments. [...] It comes in a 3 or 6-blade configuration to meet specific ventilation needs and is built tough with glass fiber reinforced blades for maximum durability. [...] It is engineered for pressure stability, performing efficiently even in-house static pressure is high. [...]

Sub-Sahara Issue 3 July-September

Big Dutchman: feeding and housing systems for modern poultry management In 1938, the Big Dutchman founders, whose parents were of Dutch origin, invented the world's first automatic chain feeder for poultry in the USA. [...] With regard to housing and feeding equipment for modern breeder, broiler and layer management, the family business is considered the international market leader: [...]


Automatic breeder nest supports efficiency, profitability Automatic laying nests for breeders are systems that help producers collect eggs automatically. [...] Another contributor is that automatic laying nest systems like the ones designed by Big Dutchman reduce the chances of hairline cracks, which gives the producer more settable hatching eggs. [...]  

Poultry Bulletin ISSUE 8 JUNE/JULY 2022

Building blocks für farming success A brand-new building division adds a whole new dimension to what Big Dutchman offers its customers [...] Big Dutchman buildings are engineer-approved, strong and durable, hygienic and very practical. [...] a Big Dutchman building can be erected and fully fitted to cater for broilers or layer hens within six to eight weeks. [...] 'Clients can rest assured that Big Dutchman takes care of every step of the process so that they can focus on their business'

zootecnica 4 2022

VIV EUROPE PREVIEW Digitalisation, animal welfare and more: BIG DUTCHMAN concepts for poultry production On the occasion of VIV EUROPE 2022 in Utrecht Big Dutchman is looking forward to many visitors in hall 12.D060. [...] The wide range of topics includes: 
- BFN Fusion / game-changing platform that generates standardised data from all poultry production phases [...]
- alternative systems for egg production / represented by the new welfare aviary Natura Step XL;
- buildings / solutions from planning to completion;
- LED / efficient house lighting systems and concepts;
- residue treatment.

DGS Magazin 3/2022

Puten beschäftigen - aber wie? [...] Beschäftigungsmaterial unterstützt das natürliche Verhalten zur Erkundung und Nahrungsaufnahme von Puten [...] Futter aus Öffnungen picken  Beim ersten Anlagensystem handelte es sich um eine Spiralförderanlage, über die Getreide und Leguminosen in den Tierbereich befördert wurden. [...] Die Idee für den ersten Prototypen entstammte von den Projektpartnern in Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Big Dutchman und wurde während des Projektes mit dem Tierhalter weiterentwickelt. [...]

DGS Magazin 1/2022

Keine windigen Kompromisse  Das sogenannte Wohlfühlklima im Hähnchenstall ist das Ergebnis eines ausgeklügelten Klimakonzeptes. Es ermöglicht den Tieren, ihre Energie in den Fleischansatz zu stecken. Will ein Landwirt zugunsten des Tierwohls einen Wintergarten anbauen, muss auch das Klimakonzept neu gedacht werden. [...] [...] ist Senior Manager Climate Concepts und verantwortet in der Big Dutchman Unternehmenszentrale in Vechta-Calveslage die Konzepte für die Klimatisierung von Geflügelställen. [...]


Big Dutchman's waste management systems awarded green certification Big Dutchman's waste management systems, CompoTower and CompoTower with Air Scrubber, were awarded the MyHIJAU certification by the Malaysian government. [...] To improve the system, Big Dutchman added the Air Scrubber solution, which reduces ammonia emission by turning it into nitrogenous fertilizer that can be used in farming. [...] "The lack of odor is an advantage, too". [...]

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