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Exchange, innovations, awards, and so much more: a review of EuroTier 2024

Big Dutchman celebrates a successful show

  • Award winner Sharky
    Award winner Sharky

Big Dutchman has taken stock of EuroTier 2024 – and found the results to be positive: the stand was extremely popular with visitors, and the feedback on products and concepts was exceptional. “To us, EuroTier is one of the most important platforms for introducing an international audience to our products,” explained CEO Bernd Meerpohl, who was very happy with the outcome of the trade fair.

Based on the motto “Where talks thrive”, Big Dutchman focused once more on personal conversations with customers, partners and the public, and on networking – and celebrated a great success. The stand, which was more than 2,000 square metres in size, became a hotspot for ideas, exchange and visions for modern livestock production.

Digitalisation was at the centre of many conversations. Big Dutchman’s digital solutions, designed to make daily work in livestock housing more efficient, were much sought-after.

Trade fair highlights

Visitors showed great interest in the different expert talks presented at the orange forum. They also enjoyed live product demonstrations and guided tours around the stand.

The German pig and poultry equipment supplier returned from the show with three Innovation Awards for new products in tow. “These awards reflect our drive towards creating innovative and future-ready solutions for the challenges of modern agriculture,” said Bernd Meerpohl, appreciating this honour.


The silver medals went to:

  • Sharky cleaning robot ➡️ fully automatic cleaning of aviaries in rearing and laying houses;
  • MultiVacc vaccinator ➡️ simultaneous administration of four precise breast injections and one wing-web injection in one step;
  • BioTag+ sensor ear tag ➡️ extensive, sensor-controlled recording of pig condition data.

Product hits

Interest in new products such as the Sharky cleaning robot was particularly great. Visitors focused on animal welfare topics in general. Most requests from poultry farmers concerned aviary systems, both for rearing and for egg production.

With regard to pig production, the transformation in sow management became obvious at the booth. Many farmers wanted to learn more about Agilo, a group housing system for lactating sows.

You did not have the opportunity to find out more in Hanover? Get your info now! ➡️

A review of EuroTier 2024



Sharky 430 | Cleaning robot for rearing and laying aviaries

EasyCheck | Mobile bird scale with smart functions for data analysis

Links: Contact | Leaflets

EuroTier 2024: cleaning robot and vaccinator carry off silver medals

For EuroTier 2024, we present our newest innovations for egg production – two of which were awarded DLG silver medals! Using modern technologies, we create future-proof solutions that enhance animal welfare, efficiency and sustainability. Our products make the daily work on farms easier and provide smart automation options. Together, we shape the future of agriculture: with innovative, sustainable and practical responses to the industry’s challenges.

Welcome to hall 17, stand D20!

Our medal winners

  • Sharky 430 cleaning robot ➡️ fully automatic cleaning of aviary systems in rearing and layer houses – even for places that are difficult to reach
  • MultiVacc vaccinator ➡️ simultaneous administration of four precise breast injections and one wing-web injection in one step – for effective and welfare-friendly poultry vaccination 

Innovations for egg production

One trade show, three stands and an exciting exhibition program!

  • Poultry growing, egg production, pig production, Human Resources & Career: hall 17,  stand D20
  • Insect farming: hall 24, stand C30 + C31
  • Photovoltaic systems & battery storage: hall 25,  stand J13

orange forum

Visit Big Dutchman's Orange Forum to discover interesting presentations on livestock farming innovations and trends at EuroTier. 

Daily in hall 17, stand D20, hosted by Marie Hoffmann.

Inspiration, innovations & knowledge

Daily from Tuesday to Friday

Time Topic
10:00 Uhr Sauenhaltung: Praktische Umsetzungsbeispiele der neuen Anforderungen im Besamungszentrum
10:30 Uhr Konzepte für die Abferkelung
11:00 Uhr 🇬🇧. ➡️ Global trends in sow management ⬅️
11:30 Uhr Neueste Sensorlösungen für die praktische Anwendung im Schweinestall: BioTag+, SmartCounting
12:00 Uhr 🇬🇧. ➡️ BFN Fusion: Real-time data as your key to success ⬅️
12:30 Uhr Klimaschutz und Kostensenkung: Wärmerückgewinnung mit dem Wärmetauscher Earny
13:00 Uhr Innovative Beleuchtungslösungen für die Landwirtschaft: Tierwohl, Effizienz und gesetzliche Anforderungen
13:30 Uhr Nachhaltigkeit als Erfolgsfaktor: Unsere Strategie für Umwelt, Soziales und gute Unternehmensführung
14:00 Uhr Customer Service: You'll never walk alone
14:30 Uhr Natura Life für Aufzucht und Eierproduktion: Die Volierenhaltung der Zukunft?
15:00 Uhr Agri-PV im Hühnerauslauf zwischen Innovation und Herausforderung: Was jeder Geflügelhalter wissen sollte!
15:30 Uhr Innovation in der Tierwiegung: Einfach und smart Daten generieren
16:00 Uhr 🇬🇧. ➡️ New technologies for livestock housing: Robotics and automation ⬅️
16:30 Uhr Legehennenprojekte in Europa
17:00 Uhr KI in der Tierhaltung: Was ist möglich?


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