Royal acknowledgement from Saudi-Arabia
20 years of poultry systems at Saudi Agriculture Show
The hour of birth of the Saudi Agriculture Show was back in 1981. In the meantime, the most important agricultural show in the Gulf States has developed a great appeal. „We have established many lasting contacts with local poultry producers over the years; our products have an excellent reputation. This is last but not least also due to the Saudi Agriculture Show“. With these words Khalid Abdelrahman thanked the prominent speakers at the award ceremony. Big Dutchman today counts among the leading suppliers of poultry systems in the Gulf region.
The Area Sales Manager from Germany and Saad Abdulmohsin Al-Sahli, CEO of the Big Dutchman agency Al-Sahli Holding Co. based in Riyadh, were very pleased with the outcome of the show. „Once again we are very happy with the fantastic level of visitor attendance at our booth and the contacts we have made”, Al-Sahli commented on the outcome of this year’s participation.
The Saudi-Arabian agency, managed by Saad Abdulmohsin Al-Sahli already in the second generation, is an old hand with Big Dutchman: For more than 25 years, the experts have been selling housing equipment from the world-wide market leader in Saudi Arabia.