“I am very happy that I selected group lactation pens and would always take this decision again.” Florian Hoenmans-Leurs from Germany keeps his sows in groups. He selected the Agilo HL housing system – one of three innovative Agilo concepts from Big Dutchman for keeping lactating sows in groups. The welfare-friendly Agilo FB, Agilo HL and Agilo RS systems promote the natural behaviour of sows and piglets and offer them much freedom to move.
EuroTier 2024: innovative management concept for group housing of lactating sows
Agilo: welfare-friendly shared house is well-received!
Life in such a “shared house” has many advantages: The piglets’ ranking fights occur early on, reducing their risk of injury. The sows are very agile, which boosts their metabolism and therefore increases feed intake, keeping the sows in good condition. Another highlight: if so desired, the piglets can be reared in their familiar environment after weaning.
Agilo HL
- the farrowing frame remains open after it is opened manually, i.e. only the farm staff can close it;
- the sow’s trough can be installed close to the ground so the piglets learn from the sow how to feed from it;
- the drinkers are easily accessible to both sows and piglets;
- piglet access doors: the piglets have their own door to the group movement pen, where additional drinkers, feeders and enrichment material, or even a separate piglet area, can be offered.
Agilo RS
- unique selling point: the piglets are born in a separate farrowing house with farrowing boxes; the sows only move into the group pens after farrowing, together with the piglets;
- the group pens have large and well-structured areas in which sows and piglets can stay together;
- separate piglet areas have generous openings for easy access to the sows;
- high lying comfort.