Andreas "Andy" Böske, trained photographer and journalist, had planned just a short stint – and stayed for 25 years: The Vechta native started his job with the Big Dutchman publicity department on 4 February 1991 and has not left the company since. As a matter of fact, he has been Head of Marketing Communications, which is what the department is called today, for 24 years. The man of many talents is the spokesperson for the family-owned company from Calveslage and responsible for the enterprise's communication worldwide. He is supported in this task by his four teams working in advertising and digital media, press, PR and product marketing, organisation of trade shows and events, and translations.
Before his employment with Big Dutchman, Böske completed a traineeship for the local daily paper "Oldenburgische Volkszeitung" (OV). In addition to supporting agriculture within his job, he is also involved with agriculture in his free time, being a member of committees of the "Agrar- und Ernährungsforum Oldenburg Münsterland" (AEF, "agri-food forum for Oldenburg Münsterland") and the "Forum moderne Landwirtschaft" ("forum for modern agriculture") in Berlin.
"We have you to thank, at least partially, for the fact that our company is the world's largest equipment supplier for modern pig and poultry production today," Big Dutchman board member Bernd Meerpohl said to Andy Böske. "Your loyalty and readiness to help, your approach of always searching for the most direct solution for any issue runs like a golden thread through all these years," Meerpohl reminisced, looking back at the past 25 years.
Management and colleagues would like to convey their congratulations and wish Andy Böske all the best and much success in his future endeavours for Big Dutchman.