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New Big Dutchman feed pan with innovative feed sensor and integrated LED pan illumination

Viva 330: the new feed pan without grille for successful broiler production

  • Viva 330: new feed pan without grille
    Chicks eating from the new pan for broiler production

Big Dutchman feed pans for poultry growing have an excellent reputation among broiler producers worldwide. The German poultry equipment supplier has now added a new model to its extensive product range: Viva 330. The robust innovation comes without a grille and is easy to assemble. “The pan’s profile is open, making it easy to clean at a fast pace,” product manager Vanja Cobec describes another feature. 

The centrally actuated 360 degree flooding mechanism for feed, a globally successful technology by Big Dutchman, was naturally also integrated in Viva 330. This mechanism ensures a high feed level in the pans while they are on the floor during the chicks’ first days. The pans are then lifted depending on the broilers’ age and size, lowering the feed level. “Viva 330 is therefore suitable for broilers of any age,” explains Cobec.  

Farmers can select either a deep or a flat dish. Viva 330 is also available with a chick stop to keep chicks out of the pan. The farmer can thus make sure that the birds’ eating place perfectly matches his management style.

Viva 330 with chick stop

New: DOL 29 feed sensor

Another innovation is the DOL 29 sensor for control pans, which was ready for the market at the same time as Viva 330. This feed sensor comes with an integrated LED pan illumination system. 

The sensor also contains an NFC (near-field communication) module, a technology that is used at supermarket checkouts, for example. Similarly to a payment card, farmers can touch their smartphone to the sensor. This opens an app in which for example lighting duration and switch-off delays can be defined. These settings can also be transferred to all other control pans in the barn. 

Example DOL 29 sensor: Fluxx pan

“Tests have shown that illuminated feed pans attract broilers. For control pans, this means that every single pan will be emptied of feed, resulting in ideal feed provision for the birds,” says Cobec.

DOL 29 sensor

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