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Next generation – broiler production

Broiler production | Free webinar for poultry managers

  • Registration is open now!
    Broiler production | Free webinar for poultry managers

Which trends are having an impact on the broiler industry? If you are looking for answers to these questions, join the free webinar organised by Eilers Futtermittel and Addcon on 16 November 2021, from 9 to 11.30 a.m. Experts from different disciplines will talk about the topic “Next generation – broiler production”.

One of the experts: Sven Künnen from Big Dutchman, who will provide a closer look at the digital transformation of broiler production. His presentation is entitled “The digital customer experience! – Digital transformation of broiler production from a global system manufacturer”. 

Registration for the event is now open: Click here to register!

The experts from the poultry industry will talk about these topics:

Andreas Stein, Sales Director Europe Euroduna Rohstoffe GmbH
Proteins: How to fill the protein gap? Overview of known proteins and new ones!

Dr. Dmytro Radko, Dr. vet. med, veterinary specialist for poultry, Technical Consultant Poultry DACH Elanco Deutschland GmbH specialising in poultry vaccines
Gumboro disease: Current facts and field experiences with IBD.

Dr. Christian Lückstädt, Technical Director FEED ADDCON GmbH
The use of 3rd generation acidifiers in broiler production.

Ing. Bert Munsterhuis, Managing Director and Owner of Kuikenbroederij Munsterhuis
New routes to success! Europe’s newest hatchery – join us for shared success: Animal welfare’s increasing importance in hatcheries.

Constantin Söffing, Managing Director of inno4cons GmbH
A product innovation for improved air quality in the barn at bird level & enrichment materials that broilers really use.

Sven Künnen, Digital Business division at Big Dutchmann
The digital customer experience! Digital transformation of broiler production from a global system manufacturer.

Saeid Najati, consultant for Cobb Germany
Hygiene measures for healthy broiler production. 

Thore Petersen, Management and Production Consultant
What’s new in chick rearing!

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