Croatia: Minister inaugurates new building for 4,000 pigs
A successful project: a view of the pig finishing house of Željko Kurkutović
Church blessing of the new housing facilities in the presence of Željko Kurkutović (2nd from left) and Minister of Agriculture Božidar Pankretić (3rd from left).
Željko Kurkutović explains the equipment to Minister Pankretić.
The Minister welcomes Borivoj Vičević, Managing Director of Imex-Bjelovar d.o.o., the Croatian Sales representation of Big Dutchman
Numerous guests had accepted their invitation to the open day.
Quality, which has proven to be effective: the entire piggery facilities come from Big Dutchman.
The PigNic wet feeder guarantees sufficient feeding space.
In Croatia a large proportion of the piglets for fattening are imported, which is why it is recommendable to take prophylactic measures against worms, for example. This is why Željko Kurkutović has had a medication dosing system installed, which doses any additives very accurately via the water.
Spaces for 4,000 animals are distributed over three very respectable looking new pig housing facilities, in which approximately 12,000 finishing pigs are expected to pass through per year: Željko Kurkutović, from Slavonski Brod in Croatia, has every reason to be proud of his recently completed piggery project. The modern facilities, which have been equipped by Big Dutchman and are located approximately 200 km south-east of Zagreb directly on the border to Bosnia and Herzegovina, is much more than an eye-catcher in an optical sense. It is, above all impressive in a country where agriculture, generally speaking, is organised on a very small scale. For this reason the Croatian Minister of Agriculture, Božidar Pankretić, was pleased to inaugurate the pig finishing facilities personally, on the occasion of an official open day.
Željko Kurkutović is a convinced Big Dutchman customer. Five years ago, he had a finishing house equipped by Imex-Bjelovar d.o.o, the Big Dutchman Sales Representation in Croatia. The innovative equipment and the reliable service convinced him so firmly that Kurkutović involved Imex-Bjelovar once again in this large-scale project: from the liquid manure system via the ventilation and the housing system to the dry feeding and water supply; all the equipment comes from the world’s leading company in the field of pig management systems.