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How to BFN Fusion

Data transmission, processing and storage: security matters!

  • BFN Fusion | Data-based decisions. Predictable success.
    Data transmission, processing and storage: security matters!

BFN Fusion provides its users with reliable data for decision-making to control and optimize their production. But how secure are data transmission, processing, and storage? A new video explaining the world of BFN Fusion focuses on the important topic of data security - please check below!

With BFN Fusion, Big Dutchman launched a unique solution for the digitalisation of farm data one year ago – irrespective of the equipment manufacturer. Would you like to know what has happened since then and learn what BFN Fusion is all about? Then stay tuned, more videos on a variety of topics will follow! 

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Annette: BFN Fusion provides its users with reliable data for decision-making to control and optimize their production. But how secure are data transmission, processing, and storage? We’re gonna find out exactly that in this video.

Hello and welcome to a new video of How to BFN Fusion. I’m Annette and with me is Sören.

Sören, today we’re going to be talking about the subject of security. And the first thing I’d love to know is, where does the data actually go, once the farm is connected?

Sören: As soon as the farm is connected, the data goes to the cloud where it is stored forever, if the customer likes. 

Annette: Stored forever if the customer likes? So, who actually has access to this data, this information, this cloud?

Sören: The customer decides who has access to his data, and if he likes, we delete it, if he wants it’s stored forever.

The customer is boss

Annette: Okay. So does Big Dutchman ever have access to this data?

Sören: Yes. When we have a service case, then the customer can grant us access. And as soon as the service case is closed, this access can be canceled. So the customer always stays owner and in control of his data.

Annette: Okay. So as a customer I don't need to worry that Big Dutchman might just peek at my data or have a look. It’s totally safe and unless I give Big Dutchman permission, Big Dutchman cannot access my data?

Sören: Exactly.  

Security matters

Annette: Okay. Before we’re going to end today, we were talking about this whole subject of security. It really is very interesting and for me impressive, how Big Dutchman does take it as a huge priority. Could you possibly elaborate a bit on this? 

Sören: Yes. Before we started with the BFN Fusion project, the farmers often had an outdated farm PC. And we took that as a mission and we said, okay, we take this topic for us, as a challenge, and that’s why we brought OrbitX into the game.

It has over-the-air updates, it ensures that the farm network is disconnected from the public internet, but still data can go to the cloud. So that’s a real big plus in security. Furthermore, we have Microsoft Azure as a platform partner, and they work with 3,500 employees just on the topic of security. Of course we use state-of-the-art communication technologies, which are, of course, all encrypted. And finally, to keep that quality level on the edge, and on a very very high level, we strive for the ISO 20000 certification.

Annette: Thank you for sharing that with us, Sören. I really believe that our customers know in this regard that their data is safe with Big Dutchman, because that really is quite impressive, how much security is taken care of in this regard with BFN Fusion.

Thank you for joining us with this video and hope to see you again with the next video, and please remember, subscribe to our channel if you haven’t already done so. See you again soon. 


Video: How to BFN Fusion | 3. Security



How to BFN Fusion – the whole story:


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