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EuroTier News: Intelligent valve with BUS system

Electrical installation costs can be reduced by 50%

  • Electrical installation costs can be reduced by 50%
At this year’s EuroTier 2002, taking place in Hanover (Germany) from 12th until 15th of November, Big Dutchman Pig Equipment GmbH will present the Intelligent Valve BD 4 I based on the cost-saving pioneer BUS system.

This new valve is perfectly suited for computer-controlled wet and dry feeding systems. It is equipped with a minute, individually programmable plug-in card. Its main advantage is that the arrangement of the individual electrovalves can be changed easily and rapidly at any time without tools or addi-tional cable connections, which is especially useful in the case of house extensions or alterations.

Moreover, the new valve is extremely cost-efficient and can be mounted rapidly, since its wiring is less time-consuming than that of ordinary feed valves. The electrical installation costs can thus be reduced by about 50 per cent. This has been proved impressively by systems which have already been installed in Germany. Operators of feeding systems can even install the valves without professional help, since all valves are connected with each other by means of a simple two-wire-line.

Already existing Big Dutchman feed valves and especially Big Dutchman wet feeding systems equipped with the feeding computer MC 99 NT can easily be fitted with this 
intelligent valve.

In addition, the installation of this new valve is especially rewarding in connection with ad-libitum feeding. In this case simple sensors without sensor electronics can be used as these are already integrated in the BD 4 I valves.

November 2002
For further information please contact:
Andreas Böske, Publicity Department Manager
Big Dutchman Pig Equipment GmbH
E-Mail: aboeske@bigdutchman.de
Tel.: +49 (0)4447/801-118
Fax: +49 (0)4447/801-5-118

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