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Israel: Big Dutchman manager shares specialist expertise

Going cage-free – proven methods for managing laying hens without cages

  • Martin Prang speaking on the subject of alternative systems for layer management
    Martin Prang speaking on the subject of alternative systems for layer management

Today, about 90 % of laying hens in Israel are managed in cages. But alternative systems have been on the rise, as evidenced by a recent decision of the legislator: Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development just stipulated that as of June 2029, the use of cages will no longer be permitted in the country. Consequently, new management options were one of the central topics at the 55th annual conference of the Israel Poultry Science Association at Kibbutz Kfar Blum (Upper Galilee). One of the speakers was Big Dutchman General Manager Martin Prang. In a seminar, he presented modern methods for the breeding of laying hens without cages while maintaining stringent animal welfare standards.

Prang’s lecture focussed on the importance of rearing pullets in aviaries specially designed for the young birds in order to ensure their smooth transition to the laying aviary. Additional topics included the differences between managing modern and traditional layer barns as well as answers to the question of how to significantly improve the operational efficiency of poultry houses for laying hens.

Equipment and expertise

Of course Israel’s farmers also want to meet standards that best ensure the birds’ welfare. It thus made sense to invite a Big Dutchman expert: the German poultry equipment supplier has been accompanying farmers wanting to switch to cage-free egg production for a quarter of a century, demonstrated impressively by the more than 100 million laying hen places Big Dutchman has equipped with its welfare aviaries up to today.

Currently, egg producers can select the aviary that perfectly meets their needs from more than twenty systems. The extensive management knowledge of the experienced Big Dutchman staff is another great benefit for customers getting ready to phase out cages worldwide.

Successful egg producers know that apart from the management system, the combination of additional factors of success plays an important role. Naturally, this also applies to alternative egg production.


Agrotop, the Big Dutchman sales agency in Israel, provided relevant information on this topic at the conference in Kfar Blum. The farm construction company introduced solutions for the management of pullets and laying hens in aviaries. Other topics included advanced ventilation systems, automation, robotics and lighting, all with the goal of maintaining animal welfare and improving the economic efficiency of poultry houses. 


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