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Big Dutchman dressed up and exhibited at the 20th China Animal Husbandry Expo to inject new vitality into the industry’s development

“Improving quality, increasing efficiency, transforming industry structure”

  • Big Dutchman booth at CAHE 2023
    Big Dutchman booth at CAHE 2023

The 20th China Animal Husbandry Expo (2022 | 2023) was recently held in Chengdu. More than 1500 exhibitors participated this year, making it the largest CAHE held since 2003. As an “old friend”, Big Dutchman once again dressed up and presented many new products and technologies. The pig and poultry equipment supplier also put out a strong team of technical experts from Germany and the entire business team to provide on-site consultation for customers and to develop the most suitable solution for every requirement.

During the three-day exhibition, there was a stream of people and many warm words exchanged at the Big Dutchman booth. On the first day, Big Dutchman signed a contract with Shehong City Dechuang Agriculture Co., Ltd., the two parties forming a cooperation on purchasing relevant equipment for broiler breeding.


Leading digital intelligence

After the pandemics of ASF and COVID-19, digitalisation and intelligentisation of the whole industry are accelerating in China. The theme of this year’s CAHE was “Improving quality, increasing efficiency, transforming industry structure: intelligence and intelligent manufacture leading the new vitality of the industry”. Big Dutchman implement digital intelligence technology deeply in their equipment, actively helping customers respond to the challenges of the post epidemic era.

From the high-precision 3D pig weighing technology OptiScan to the climate and production computer 310pro for pig production, from VIM, which identifies abnormal conditions in cages, and BFN Fusion, which provides the digital control of whole value chains, all the way to the Earny 2 heat exchanger, which can be controlled intelligently via the ViperTouch climate computer or amacs: Big Dutchman has widely demonstrated efficient, convenient and highly applicable intelligent solutions. The equipment supplier works on using digitalisation and intelligentisation to speed up and improve the efficiency of animal production.

Animal welfare

As a leading global supplier of cage-free systems, Big Dutchman showed the aviary system Natura Nova at CAHE. The system’s advantages, including animal welfare, high efficiency and multi-functionality, attracted many visitors. As of March 2023, over 160 million layers worldwide are kept in cage-free Natura systems.  The systems have already been introduced in China. The branded eggs produced in these systems have created good economic and social benefits.

“Improving animal welfare is the crucial method to ensure humankind develops in harmony with animals and the environment”: this statement is becoming the global consensus. Big Dutchman is committed to providing the full set of animal welfare equipment and one-stop solutions.

Insect program

As a distinctive demonstration project at CAHE, Better Insect Solution (BIS), which is part of the Big Dutchman group, has gained high popularity and attracted a continuous stream of visitors. In the current era of shortages and high prices for feed materials, the insects produced by being fed kitchen waste are becoming an important protein feed source. BIS provides mature technological solutions for large-scale insect protein production. Relying on its extensive knowledge of animal and insect farming, BIS can offer customers all-round support and cooperates with leading automatic logistics system providers and insect processing equipment manufacturers to deliver turnkey solutions.



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