EuroTier 2004: Exhibits, videos, discussions
Layer Special: Focus on new small aviary systems
With four different models of the enriched cage and its development as the new small aviary system, together with five variants of single or multiple layer floor management systems, the display covers the full range of the management systems which will be available in Europe in future.
The video presentation at the Special consists of shots from reference hen houses for each poultry system on display, showing how the hens take to the systems in practice. DLG and the manufacturers of layer hen management systems are collaborating to present the state of the art in this sector.
A team of qualified experts from the Central Association of the German Poultry Industry (ZDG), the Institute of Farmyard Ethology at Hohenheim University, and the participating companies is available to provide information to visitors to the Special “Management systems for layer hens”.
What is the future of egg production in Germany? Discussions in the forum
The debate about the future of egg production in Germany will take up a lot of space at EuroTier. Starting in 2007 – five years earlier than in the rest of the EU – the conventional poultry cage will be banned, without allowing a suitable alternative in the form of small aviary systems. The small aviary systems based on the enriched cage which are on display at EuroTier could be the management system of the future, and the basis for securing German egg production in the long term.
The sessions for lectures and discussions in the “Poultry” forum in Hall 27 will provide full coverage for the highly topical issue of “Management systems for layer hens”.
The following programme is planned:
Tuesday, 9 November 2004
13.30 - Discussion on the Special “Management systems for layer hens:
Small aviary systems
Participants: Dr. Bernd Diekmann, Federal Association German Egg e. V. (Bundesverband Deutsches Ei); Minister Hans-Heinrich Ehlen, Lower Saxony Ministry of Rural Areas, Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (Niedersächsisches Ministerium für ländlichen Raum, Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz); Dr. Maria Dayen, Mecklenberg-Western Pomeranian Ministry of Food, Ariculture, Forestry and Fishing (Ministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Fischerei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern); Dr. Karin Schwabenbauer, Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture (Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft); Dr. Lars Schrader, Institute for Animal Protection and Animal Farming, Federal Agricultural Research Institute (Institut für Tierschutz und Tierhaltung, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Windhorst, Institute for Structural Research and Planning in Agricultural Intensive Areas (Institut für Strukturforschung und Planung in agrarischen Intensivgebieten)
Wednesday, 10 November 2004
13.30 - Lectures and discussions on the Special “Management systems for layer hens”:
Lighting programmes for hens in alternative management systems
Dr. Hans-Heinrich Thiele, Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH
Small group management systems for layer hens – from the enriched cage to small aviary systems
Martin Geib, Big Dutchman International GmbH
Healthy hens in various management systems
Dr. Matthias Voss, Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH
Alternative hen management systems – reviewing the complex
Dr. Manfred Golze, Saxony State Agricultural Institute (Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft)
Thursday, 11 November 2004
13.30 - Lectures and discussions on the Special “Management systems for layer hens”:
Indicative epidemiological study of yield and health status in different layer hen management systems
Prof. Dr. Lothar Kreienbrock, Hanover Veterinary University (Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover)
Visualised automation and real time information management in poultry houses
Christian Kalkhoff, Heinz Südkamp, Big Dutchman International GmbH
Layer hen raising with special emphasis on alternative management systems
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Preisinger, Lohmann Tierzucht GmbH
Differences in air quality in different layer hen management systems
Dr. Andreas Briese, Hanover Veterinary University (Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover)