VIV Europe 2010: Amacs becomes Amacs 2.0
Manage your poultry house by iPhone
Amacs 2.0 covers an impressive number of brand new features. One of these includes the fact that up to 20 people can now access the system simultaneously – and work independently of each other in real-time. Also new is that a considerable number of varying user rights can be granted and that it is possible to manage 50 user profiles altogether. These range from full access by the farm controller to and thus the control of a whole farm complex to limited user rights which may not, for instance, exceed the right to control the climate in a clearly specified amount of houses.
Further features of Amacs 2.0 include control of additional EggCams, with which it is now also possible to scan the wider egg belts in the aviary houses. The innovative Big Dutchman camera technology photographs every egg in the house, thus achieving 100 percent counting accuracy. Furthermore, with Amacs 2.0 the Digital EggFlow System is further optimised. This has the consequence of even better control of egg belts and thus even better capacity utilisation of sorting and packing machines.
Hall 12C.050