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Big Dutchman composting systems valorise excess nutrients

Lots of birds, lots of manure – and sustainable solutions

  • CompoLiner and CompoTower: sustainable treatment of farm residues
    CompoLiner and CompoTower: sustainable treatment of farm residues

What to do about the manure? That’s a question many poultry managers ask themselves when they see the surplus of hen or broiler excrements produced on their farms. A reasonable amount is a valuable fertiliser, but too much may cause problems. An effective method for the sustainable treatment of these residues: composting. Several tried and tested solutions are available from Big Dutchman. The poultry equipment supplier can offer its customers CompoTower and CompoLiner, two complete systems that are ready to be connected upon delivery and that quickly turn excess nutrients into a valuable fertiliser.

Both systems are fully automatic multitaskers. They perform all necessary process steps, from filling and material turning to the discharge of the biomass and control of the system. Since the temperature and oxygen concentration are measured at all times, the ventilation system is easy to manage as required.

The main difference between CompoTower and CompoLiner is a quantitative one: CompoLiner can process much larger amounts of residues. The decision for or against one of the composters therefore mainly depends on the size of the farm.

A common feature of both systems, on the other hand, is that during the composting process, microorganisms degrade organic material in an aerobic environment, i.e. oxygen needs to be added continuously. A higher dry matter (DM) content of the input material generally means shorter residence times. At the same time, the material’s DM content should be no higher than 45 % to ensure it is not too dry for composting.

The final product is compost: a valuable, organic fertiliser that can also be pelletised. This fertiliser has good plant availability and can be used for general soil improvement in horticulture and agriculture.

Air cleaning

Because the composting process emits ammonia, odours and dust, poultry managers may be required to clean the exhaust air from their composters. Big Dutchman has developed ready-to-connect air scrubbers for this purpose. The modules are easy to install, thus lowering assembly costs, and naturally have high separation rates.

The “little brother”: CompoTower

CompoTower is a vertical enclosed tank made of stainless steel. The compact tower is a stand-alone system and therefore requires very little space, allowing for easy integration into the farm layout.

The “big brother”: CompoLiner

In contrast to CompoTower with its vertical structure, CompoLiner is an elongated composter. The modular system consists of a maximum of eight 40-foot containers that are connected in series and process the residues. Their quantity depends on the size of the house, the number of birds and the amount of material to be composted. The basic version comprises two containers that also serve as end sets.


If you have questions regarding residue treatment, ask them here! : egg production | poultry growing

Click here to download information materials about CompoLiner and CompoTower! egg production | poultry growing

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