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Big Dutchman displays greater presence at VIV Asia 2017

VIV Asia 2017 review: Innovative solutions for modern poultry production

  • Trends in poultry production: The Big Dutchman booth attracted an impressive number of poultry producers and experts.
    Visitors interested in trends for modern poultry production
  • The DOL 53 ammonia sensor for the first time on display in Asia
    DOL 53 ammonia sensor
  • Discussing poultry production at VIV 2017
    Visitors and Big Dutchman-staff discussing poultry production
  • Illuminated Big Dutchman-booth
    Illuminated Big Dutchman booth

The 480 square meter large and colourful Big Dutchman booth at VIV Asia 2017 in Bangkok attracted an impressive number of visitors – for numerous reasons: “A considerable number of newly developed products were introduced. We were expecting even more visitors this year, hence the larger stand, compared with the one we had in 2015,” said Jan Hofstede, President of Big Dutchman Asia.


The stream of visitors made the largest booth at the VIV Asia 2017 premises also the busiest. For livestock owners in the Asia-Pacific region, the biennial fair was again an excellent platform to exchange views, and the Big Dutchman booth accordingly saw relationships reinforced, concepts for poultry production developed and job experiences shared. 


“These three busy days of discussions have helped establish new partnerships. There is nothing better than a trade fair when it comes to finding out what livestock managers need in an intense and comprehensive setting. Most importantly, we have gained insights into the various market trends in the Asia-Pacific region. This new knowledge will enhance product development and help to further improve our services,” agreed the Big Dutchman team present at the booth. 

Reunion of the Big Dutchman family

As has become a well-loved habit, the Big Dutchman family had a reunion the day prior to the opening of VIV Asia 2017. The traditional kick-off meeting saw 180 employees, agents and distributors from the Asia-Pacific region meet with numerous colleagues from the Germany-based headquarters. All attendants of the fair were thoroughly briefed on new products and market developments.

Big Dutchman innovations for poultry production

Several Big Dutchman innovations were introduced at VIV Asia 2017, among them: 

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