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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Pig feeding systems and management strategies for pig production

Housing and feed are important elements during weaning, but feeding young piglets requires specific pig feeding systems and management strategies. Modern feeding systems have shown to support the pig…

“Natural ability to help feed the world”

Big Dutchman recently inaugurated its new Brazilian facility in the city of Araraquara, state of Sao Paulo. Nearly BRL 30 million (€ 13 million) were invested in a property with ten hectares (25…

Highest score for housing equipment supplier

In its recent Image Barometer 2010, the DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschafts- Gesellschaft - German Agricultural Society) reports Big Dutchman as the industry leader in the area of “technology livestock…

Sow management system awarded with animal welfare endorsement

The American Humane Association (USA) has awarded the Seal of Approval for Humane Equipment to Big Dutchman’s CallMatic 2 electronic sow feeding system (ESF). Electronic sow feeding systems allow…

Jack DeWitt’s company philosophy still influences the company

Jack DeWitt, the original “Big Dutchman”, turned 100 years old on January 30th, 2011. In 1938 Jack and his brother Dick DeWitt founded Big Dutchman and together they would design, develop, and sell…

Big Dutchman trainees move on to new pastures

“A very special highlight, not only with regard to my trainee programme at Big Dutchman, but also in the context of my whole life!” Furthermore: “That was the most exciting time I have ever spent and…

“The Vietnam market is a very significant business opportunity”

Big Dutchman is pleased to announce the opening of its representative office in the Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The establishment of this office will enable Big Dutchman to collect local information…

Big Dutchman at VIETSTOCK Expo & Conference

The recently held VIETSTOCK Expo & Conference which took place in Ho Chi Minh City proved a big success for Big Dutchman: for three days the companies’ representatives welcomed a steady flow of…

Distribution rights for sow management systems acquired

Big Dutchman has just signed an agreement for the distribution of two key products of the Canadian pig equipment manufacturer Conception Ro-Main in certain markets: the Contact-O-Max boar cart and…

EuroTier 2010: Innovation for the farrowing area

One of the trendsetting Big Dutchman innovations at EuroTier 2010 is the new SowCam system for automatic birth monitoring of sows in the farrowing pen. This is made possible by combining a standard…

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