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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

How to BFN Fusion

With BFN Fusion, Big Dutchman launched one year ago a unique solution for the digitalisation of farm data – irrespective of equipment manufacturer. Would you like to know what has happened since then…

Energy savings up to 70 % | improved climate control | optimised productivity

With AirMaster EVO, Big Dutchman has recently launched an innovative fan across Asia which significantly reduces energy consumption up to 70%*. The fan is ideal for tunnel ventilation environments in…

Digital platform for maximum efficiency on pig and poultry farms

With BFN Fusion, Big Dutchman launched a unique solution for the digitalisation of farm data in 2021. Just a year later, the German livestock equipment supplier has already made customers from more…

Big Dutchman-innovation saves time

One of the most important goals for every broiler breeder is to control the weight of birds to ensure flock is as uniform as possible at the point of lay. Multiple weighing and grading processes are,…

Less work, happier birds

To help farmers save time and provide broilers with easy access to feed, Big Dutchman now offers its FLUXX 330 feed pan, which has proven itself in poultry houses a million times over, with an automat…

VIV Europe 2022: visit Big Dutchman in hall 12 D060

On 31 May 2022, VIV Europe, one of the world’s largest trade shows for modern poultry production, will open its gates in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Following the motto “reTHINK NOW. Animal Welfare.…

Tree planting and sustainability education program

“Trees from Art” is the name of an ambitious Nigerian tree planting and sustainability education program – and Big Dutchman Nigeria was happy to be invited. Other participants of the campaign include…

Next Generation – Broiler Welfare & More

Which trends are currently having an impact on the broiler industry? Experts from different disciplines are looking for clues in a free webinar titled “Next Generation – Broiler Welfare & More”. The…

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