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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Video: enriched colony housing systems in detail

A new survey indicates that American consumers overwhelmingly support national legislation requiring egg producers to switch to enriched colony housing systems. These provide the laying hens with…

Big Dutchman awarded four innovation medals

Come and meet the Big Dutchman Group and experience the top global event for livestock farming in Hanover at the world‘s biggest exhibition grounds. On six different stands our experts will present…

EuroTier 2012: perfect light conditions in the broiler cage Avimax

At this year’s EuroTier Big Dutchman introduces a truly impressive innovation: BigLED is the world’s first full-spectrum lighting system for cage-based broiler growing. An increased share of the blue…

EuroTier 2012: group laying nest with divided roof

Big Dutchman designed a brand new group laying nest particularly for broiler breeders providing several innovative features. “Relax” is equipped with two separate, easy-to-lift nest roofs which…

EuroTier 2012: Energy management system FarmPowerManager awarded silver medal

Energy is becoming more and more valuable, using it efficiently and economically is therefore becoming more and more important – especially in agriculture! The new Big Dutchman FarmPowerManager helps…

EuroTier 2012: Separation performance of up to 50 %

Negative effects of bio-aerosol and fine dust emissions from livestock production facilities have been the subject of fierce debate, especially in recent times. For this reason, Big Dutchman has…

EuroTier 2012: innovative system for layer management awarded silver medal

At EuroTier 2012 Big Dutchman introduces the first system for automatic belt monitoring and control of manure belts in layer houses. This manure removal innovation is very animal-friendly, saves…

EuroTier 2012: new alarm device with fingerprint sensor

With AL-B, Big Dutchman presents a new generation of alarm devices for poultry houses at this year's EuroTier which implements the highest security standards: The new device is equipped with a…

Poultry systems are a model for American egg industry

German poultry housing systems for layers are forerunners for US agriculture. This became apparent upon the trip of 16 representatives of the layer breeder company Hy-Line to Big Dutchman in…

Inauguration: two of ten houses ready, 39,900 rearing places

The Agrargesellschaft Schwarz mbH has put into operation two new houses for rearing 39,900 broiler breeders – a first step in the direction of a closed system to be set up. After the inauguration…

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