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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Big Dutchman at VIETSTOCK Expo & Conference

The recently held VIETSTOCK Expo & Conference which took place in Ho Chi Minh City proved a big success for Big Dutchman: for three days the companies’ representatives welcomed a steady flow of…

Brian McCawley appointed President of Big Dutchman China

Big Dutchman is pleased to announce the establishment of its new sales office in Beijing to expand its sales opportunities throughout China. The existing office in Tianjin will continue to serve as…

Charles F. Strong, PhD appointed Technical Sales Director

Big Dutchman is pleased to announce the appointment of Charles F. Strong, Ph.D. as Technical Sales Director in China. He will be based at the recently established Beijing Sales office. Chuck has more…

AVECH earns American Humane Association Seal Of Approval

Big Dutchman’s AVECH system, which is an Enriched Colony Housing System, was installed and is in operation at J.S. West, Livingston, California. “It meets the animal welfare needs in a variety of ways…

VIV Europe 2010: Innovative drinking system for poultry management

At VIV Europe 2010 Big Dutchman introduces a novel drinking system for poultry management with constant circulation of water in the nipple tubes.  This distinguishing feature ensures virtually…

VIV Europe 2010: Big Dutchman sets milestone

On time for VIV Europe 2010, Big Dutchman can announce an impressive sales success: The equipment supplier from Vechta in North-West Germany has already equipped 25 million places for laying hens with…

VIV Europe 2010: Broiler house emissions reduction with MagixX-B

Whenever it is a question of approval of broiler houses in the vicinity of built-up areas or woodland, authorities all over the world are increasingly frequently imposing requirements for a thorough…

VIV Europe 2010: Innovative gasification system to be introduced

Environmentally friendly, climate neutral and reliable: For the first time ever on display world wide at VIV Europe will be a gasification system which transforms biomass for example from poultry…

VIV Europe 2010: Amacs becomes Amacs 2.0

Amacs 2.0 is the newest version of Big Dutchman’s “Agro Management and Control System” for poultry management, based on state-of-the-art technology and highly successful all over the world. Amacs 2.0…

VIV Europe 2010: Vacuum cleaner for dust filter StuffNix

Poultry managers have something to look forward to! Big Dutchman, recognised leader of this market sector, is presenting a semi-automatic vacuum cleaner unit specially developed for StuffNix dust…

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