Duo Flow for continual water motion
At VIV Europe 2010 Big Dutchman introduces a novel drinking system for poultry management with constant circulation of water in the nipple tubes. This distinguishing feature ensures virtually…
25 million bird places in Natura aviaries
On time for VIV Europe 2010, Big Dutchman can announce an impressive sales success: The equipment supplier from Vechta in North-West Germany has already equipped 25 million places for laying hens with…
High-standard certification measurements concluded
Whenever it is a question of approval of broiler houses in the vicinity of built-up areas or woodland, authorities all over the world are increasingly frequently imposing requirements for a thorough…
Chicken manure to energy
Environmentally friendly, climate neutral and reliable: For the first time ever on display world wide at VIV Europe will be a gasification system which transforms biomass for example from poultry…
Manage your poultry house by iPhone
Amacs 2.0 is the newest version of Big Dutchman’s “Agro Management and Control System” for poultry management, based on state-of-the-art technology and highly successful all over the world. Amacs 2.0…
Easy cleaning of dust filters
Poultry managers have something to look forward to! Big Dutchman, recognised leader of this market sector, is presenting a semi-automatic vacuum cleaner unit specially developed for StuffNix dust…
Gladiator: a feed pan for all purposes
For many decades poultry farmers all over the world have appreciated the benefits of Big Dutchman feed pans. Now an innovative development has been added to the long series of established classical…
Adjust feed line heights automatically with ELS4
Another attractive Big Dutchman new product to be presented at VIV Europe 2010 is the simple-to-use ELS4 controller for broiler-breeder houses. It allows the farmer to adjust the height of feed lines…