Study: Broiler growing in colony systems – performance and welfare
The demand for broiler colony systems has been increasing around the globe for the past ten years. Despite the popularity of these systems, there has been a lack of scientifically reliable data –…
Natura Step featuring the Hollywood Hens visits the White House
The Big Dutchman Natura Step aviary and the company’s Hollywood Hens have just returned home to Holland, MI, after a visit to the White House. They had been invited to attend the 136th Easter Egg…
Sow management: Bongdong trumpets stellar production
The past decade has seen changes in the South Korean pig industry landscape. From more than 12,000 pig farms in 2005, the number declined to 6,000 in 2012. Despite this, total pig inventory in the…
Latest pig equipment installed at breeding enterprise
In the Bolshesoldatsky district, Kursk Oblast, Russia, a modern pig breeding farm has recently been launched, according to the renowned Pig Progress magazine. The modern operation has a production…
Big Dutchman takes over Zucami
The Big Dutchman group based in Vechta-Calveslage is taking over the Spanish poultry equipment supplier Zucami. The company with its headquarters in Beriáin, near Pamplona, recently became insolvent.…