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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Big Dutchman latest technologies appeal to fair visitors

The recently concurrently held fairs “Saudi Agriculture 2009” and “Saudi Agro-food 2009” proved a big success for Big Dutchman and its Saudi-Arabian agency Al-Sahli Holding Co. The event took place in…

Big Dutchman sales manager in Syria

Commercial poultry production in Syria has developed significantly in recent years. At the same time, local producers are moving rapidly from floor to cage management and in particular into…

Extensive visitor interest, two "Innov' SPACE" innovation stars

Big Dutchman reflects on successful participation at the recent SPACE 2009, the leading trade fair for modern livestock management in Rennes, France. "Interest from the trade in our equipment was very…

Big Dutchman customer makes a big impression

Spaces for 4,000 animals are distributed over three very respectable looking new pig housing facilities, in which approximately 12,000 finishing pigs are expected to pass through per year: Željko…

Additional bottom wire for more freedom of movement

An internal open day in Eggermühlen, Germany, recently caused great interest among the 300 guests invited by Christiane and Theo Gärke, who built two remarkable new houses for a total number of 84,000…

Secretary of State visits Big Dutchman subsidiary in Malaysia

Dr. Gerd Müller, the Parliamentary State Secretary from the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture and his delegation recently visited Big Dutchman Asia (BD Asia) in Shah Alam, Malaysia. The visit to…

18 broiler houses with Big Dutchman equipment open in Vietnam

Hung Farm, a partner of CP Vietnam, recently celebrated the opening of its latest broiler production facility. CP Vietnam is a subsidiary of the Charoen Pokphand Group (CP group), Thailand’s biggest…

Innovation breeds success

In spite of all negative circumstances, such as the economic downturn in pig farming, the financial crisis in general and the H1N1 influenza, Big Dutchman USA recently experienced a successful World…

Big Dutchman USA strenghtens its positon in the poultry market

Mark Larson has joined Big Dutchman USA’s team in the capacity of International Sales Director effective on the 15th of April, 2009. In this position he will be responsible for all Big Dutchman USA’s…

“PMSI and Big Dutchman share common values”

Big Dutchman, a leader in poultry and pig production equipment, has acquired a majority interest in Poultry Management Systems, Inc. (PMSI), located in Saranac, Michigan, USA. PMSI holds the majority…

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