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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

VIV Europe 2022: visit Big Dutchman in hall 12 D060

On 31 May 2022, VIV Europe, one of the world’s largest trade shows for modern poultry production, will open its gates in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Following the motto “reTHINK NOW. Animal Welfare.…

Tree planting and sustainability education program

“Trees from Art” is the name of an ambitious Nigerian tree planting and sustainability education program – and Big Dutchman Nigeria was happy to be invited. Other participants of the campaign include…

Next Generation – Broiler Welfare & More

Which trends are currently having an impact on the broiler industry? Experts from different disciplines are looking for clues in a free webinar titled “Next Generation – Broiler Welfare & More”. The…

Big Dutchman at VIV MEA 2021 in Abu Dhabi

Big Dutchman is looking forward to welcoming many guests at the VIV MEA 2021 in Abu Dhabi from 23 to 25 November 2021. The impressive booth of the German poultry equipment supplier in hall 8 provides…

Intelligent heating strategy saves money and protects the climate

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a natural part of the atmosphere and the basis of all life on our planet Earth. At the same time, large amounts of CO2, among other substances, are released when wood, coal,…

Next generation – broiler production

Which trends are having an impact on the broiler industry? If you are looking for answers to these questions, join the free webinar organised by Eilers Futtermittel and Addcon on 16 November 2021,…

Sven Guericke given official farewell after 15 successful years

The Supervisory Board of Big Dutchman AG has appointed Dr.-Ing. Thomas Dalstein as new Chief Operating Officer. As one of three members of the Board of Management, Dalstein assumed responsibility for…

Big Dutchman-innovation reduces energy costs by more than half

Invisible, but extremely energy-efficient – and on display for the digital EuroTier: the new Dynamic MultiStep principle, a combination of low-energy EC fans of different diameters and a clever…

Innovative, cost-efficient and flicker-free LED lighting systems

ZeusLED - Professional LED ceiling lamp Great light efficiency, low power consumption and very robust: it is no surprise that farmers like to use the cost-efficient and flicker-free LED lighting…

New model of a successful system

Improving bird health, reducing the impact on both the wallet and the ecological footprint by saving up to 60 percent of energy and decreasing dust and odour emissions for the neighbours’ benefit:…

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