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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Change in top management:

With effect from 1 April 2023, Bernd Meerpohl, long-term Chairman of the Board of Management of Big Dutchman AG, will be succeeded by Dr. Frank Hiller. Bernd Meerpohl takes over the position of…

President of Big Dutchman China shares BD’s experience at 2022 World Conference on Farm Animal Welfare and Food Health

The 2022 World Conference on Farm Animal Welfare and Food Health, co-hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the China Association for the Promotion of…

FlexLED tube lamp

Lights on in the barn – while also saving energy? With LED technology, this vision does not have to remain a dream. LED lamps are much more than just a piggy bank, however. The manufacturing process…

EuroTier 2022: Insect farming as an additional money-making enterprise for farmers

Just in time for EuroTier in Hanover, Better Insect Solutions and FarmInsect have signed a cooperation agreement (hall 21, stand F21). The goal: establishing insect farming as an additional…

Big Dutchman innovation: iDOL 29 sensor for control pans now with integrated LED illumination

Big Dutchman is offering a new, smart sensor for broiler feeding: the German poultry equipment supplier has integrated an LED lamp in its proven iDOL 29 sensor, which registers the feed level in the…

Residue treatment or resource generation?

For poultry production to be environmentally sound and save resources, manure produced by laying hens and heavier poultry must be treated in a manner that makes economic and ecological sense. Manure…

Next Generation – Broiler Welfare

Which trends are currently having an impact on the broiler industry? Experts from different disciplines are looking for clues in a free webinar titled “Next Generation – Broiler Welfare”. The event is…

BD How to BFN Fusion – OrbitX

Our video series How to BFN Fusion continues! Video no. 4 focuses on OrbitX: the central IoT gateway connects all types of hardware and transfers all your production and climate data to the BFN Fusion…

Big Dutchman at SPACE 2022 | Rennes, France | 13 to 15 September 2022

The trade show world is finally returning to some kind of normal: Big Dutchman will be present live during SPACE 2022, showing both new and classic products as well as smart concepts for modern…

Big Dutchman composting systems valorise excess nutrients

What to do about the manure? That’s a question many poultry managers ask themselves when they see the surplus of hen or broiler excrements produced on their farms. A reasonable amount is a valuable…

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