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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Ultra-modern piggery project in Nigeria

The village of Ilutoro has a new and ultra-modern piggery. Rotimi Akeredolu, governor of Ondo State in Nigeria, wants to create new jobs and training opportunities as well as alleviate protein…

Sven Guericke given official farewell after 15 successful years

The Supervisory Board of Big Dutchman AG has appointed Dr.-Ing. Thomas Dalstein as new Chief Operating Officer. As one of three members of the Board of Management, Dalstein assumed responsibility for…

Semi- and fully-automatic feeding systems for suckling pigs, group lactation pens, variable-restraint pens, and more

Requirements regarding sow management differ greatly on a global scale. However, all sow managers have one thing in common: they want to be profitable and ensure that their stock is healthy and well.…

Producing pigs profitably while still meeting their natural needs and minimising environmental pollution

Is it possible to produce pigs profitably while still meeting their natural needs and minimising environmental pollution? Yes, it is! Big Dutchman’s PureLine products offer practical solutions for sow…

Artificial intelligence and a camera “weigh” pigs

With WeightCheck, Big Dutchman presents an innovation that uses artificial intelligence (AI) in combination with a camera to “weigh” piglets and finishers – with an impressive accuracy of 98.5 percent…

Wide range of module sizes – significant emission reduction

Do you want to keep pigs without being a nuisance to the environment? With the new Porcus air scrubber, Big Dutchman has developed the ideal solution to significantly reduce emissions and create…

EuroTier digital 2021: Popular climate computer is now also a production computer

The popular 307pro/310pro climate computer from Big Dutchman is now also a production computer! Whether farmers keep finishing pigs, piglets, sows or boars: in addition to the climate in the barn,…

CallBackpro unites the best of two worlds

For the digital EuroTier 2021, Big Dutchman presents CallBackpro, a smart solution for individual sow feeding that unites the best of two worlds: sows eat in a protected free-access stall, but thanks…

Innovative, cost-efficient and flicker-free LED lighting systems

ZeusLED - Professional LED ceiling lamp Great light efficiency, low power consumption and very robust: it is no surprise that farmers like to use the cost-efficient and flicker-free LED lighting…

Automatic pig weighing and sorting

Bidding farewell to sow management, Lars Jensen from Aars in Northern Denmark has started finishing pigs on his farmstead “Kællingtandgaard” (“Lotus farm”). For this operational restructuring, the…

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