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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

The hose and drinking water hygiene

Hygienically clean water is essential in poultry growing. Farmers report that cleaner drinking water increase their birds’ performance, with measurably better results, and that the effect on the…

Innovative chain feeding system for separate male feeding – and more

The management of broiler breeders is very challenging. Breeders are very sensitive birds, especially regarding feeding. Even small errors can have a negative effect on hatching egg production. The be…

New date: 31 August to 2 September 2020

Please note that the VIV MEA management team has decided to postpone VIV MEA 2020 in Abu Dhabi to 31 August to 2 September 2020. This decision was taken based on situation report #39 of the WHO in…

Former Big Dutchman managing director and advisory board chairman passed away

Deeply saddened, we say goodbye to our former managing director and advisory board chairman of many years, Dieter Hempelmann.  We have lost an exceptional person who had a lasting influence on our…

Bernd Kuhlencord passes away

We mourn our former managing director and long-time companion Bernd Kuhlencord. We have lost a fine man and a great colleague. His passing affects all of us very deeply. For decades, Bernd…

A democratic, united Europe needs our votes and our voices.

The Big Dutchman Board of Management has asked the group’s employees to vote in the 2019 European Parliament elections. All staff received the following message: "Dear colleagues, European elections…

The dual-purpose chicken: the future of poultry production?

Is the so-called dual-purpose chicken an alternative to conventional chicken breeds? Researchers investigated this question within the recently completed “Integhof” cooperative project. Big Dutchman…

“The acquisition enables us to further and permanently strengthen our presence in the Pays de la Loire region."

The Big Dutchman group from Vechta, Germany, has taken over one of its long-term distribution partners in France. “Matavicol Industrie, based in Le Theil-de-Bretagne, department Ille-et-Vilaine (35),…

New: Keeping poultry farmers up-to-date on ammonia concentrations

Good news from the USA: independent trials of the renowned University of Georgia have confirmed the high accuracy of the DOL 53 ammonia sensor. The sensor developed for use in animal husbandry is…

VIV Europe 2018, hall 12: The Smart World of Big Dutchman!

In just a few days, VIV Europe, one of the world’s largest trade shows for modern poultry production, will open its gates in the Dutch city of Utrecht. Following the motto “The Smart World of Big…

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