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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Sven Guericke given official farewell after 15 successful years

The Supervisory Board of Big Dutchman AG has appointed Dr.-Ing. Thomas Dalstein as new Chief Operating Officer. As one of three members of the Board of Management, Dalstein assumed responsibility for…

“Very pleased with the performance of the system so far”

In many regions of the world, permits for poultry houses are only granted on the condition that the exhaust air is cleaned from ammonia, odours and dust. This was also the case when Duncan Davies from…

Big Dutchman-innovation reduces energy costs by more than half

Invisible, but extremely energy-efficient – and on display for the digital EuroTier: the new Dynamic MultiStep principle, a combination of low-energy EC fans of different diameters and a clever…

EuroTier digital 2021: Innovative manure scraper system for deep-pit layer houses

The Compact Layer C-L639 V20 manure scraper system by Big Dutchman is an interesting concept developed specifically for deep-pit layer houses. It combines the advantages of a vertical manure belt…

Innovative, cost-efficient and flicker-free LED lighting systems

ZeusLED - Professional LED ceiling lamp Great light efficiency, low power consumption and very robust: it is no surprise that farmers like to use the cost-efficient and flicker-free LED lighting…

EuroTier digital 2021: animal-friendly aviary system guarantees excellent egg quality even with high nest utilisation

All levels are easy to reach, nest acceptance is very high, there is a matching lighting concept: these and more advantages make sure that layers feel happy in the Natura Step XL aviary system. In…

EuroTier digital 2021: The innovation distributes feed evenly, reliably and without losses

For the digital EuroTier 2021, Big Dutchman presented FC-V, a new feed cart which is ideally suited for all cage systems consisting of up to six tiers without catwalk, and up to ten tiers with…

Aviary systems: new building for 29,800 hens for organic egg production

German consumers demand more and more organic eggs. While 6.2 % of bird places were for organic egg production in 2010, this figure had nearly doubled by the end of November 2018, at 11.1 %. Since…

Natura Primus aviary: “The first batch was great!”

“The first batch was great!” The Glicksman family – father Yona and his sons Benny and Moshe – from Gedera, 50 kilometres south of Tel Aviv, are perfectly happy with their new rearing aviary. The…

Bahrain: General Poultry Company prepares for the future with poultry equipment from Germany

The egg producer General Poultry Company (GPC) from Hamala in the north-west of Bahrain has been devoted to supplying the Kingdom of Bahrain with healthy food for the past 40 years. To ensure that…

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