Two new houses for turkey production draw immense interest
The Röben family from Edewecht-Osterscheps in the German Ammerland district has been producing turkeys for the past twelve years. To enlarge the family-owned farm further, two new fattening houses for…
New pig house including pig equipment for 1,376 animal places
The Meyer-Hanschen family from Twistringen (district of Diepholz in Northern Germany) can trace back the history of their agricultural holding to the year 1349. This is how long it has been family…
200,000 laying hens join the European Union
After the dissolution of former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s only few West Balkan countries have not yet become a member of the European Union (EU). These countries still allow keeping laying hens in…
Saving money with the new LED technology for poultry houses
For the broilers on Dirk Bockhorst's farm, the morning starts leisurely. As if the sun were rising, the lights are slowly turned on in the houses located in Emstek, Lower Saxony, Germany. Happy…
New house with pig equipment for piglet rearing inaugurated
The agricultural cooperative Uchtdorf based in Uchtdorf (Tangerhütte) in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, invested in a new house for piglet rearing. The main reasons: an increase in piglet production and a…
Poultry growing in new house equipped with Big Dutchman poultry systems
Ulrike and Norbert Martkfort from Westladbergen, Westphalia, Germany, are experts in the area of poultry growing: They built their first broiler house ten years ago. The couple has now expanded this…
Modern egg production with enriched colony systems
Rubén Martínez García, innovative egg producer from the Spanish municipality of San Lorenzo de la Parilla, owns two poultry farms 150 kilometres south west of Madrid. On one of these farm, Martínez…
Belgium: Visit a modern enriched colony system
The Vanbelle family from Ardooie in Belgium constructed a new poultry house for 65,000 laying hens and invites anyone interested to an Open House on Friday, 25 January 2013. The visitor will see an…
Efficient pig climate control systems for Philippine sow farm
The Northern Philippines experience very hot temperatures and pounding typhoons each year – not ideal conditions for raising pigs. Venvi Agro’s 2,400 sow farm in San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte Province,…
New house for piglet rearing
In the course of succession of generations, Ursula and Hubert Lamping from Essen/Oldenburg in Germany recently decided to invest in a new house for pig rearing. The couple has 500 sows and in the long…