The Netherlands: Barn for poultry growing attracts many visitors
Douwe and Hinke Huisman recently presented their modern new poultry house, equipped with a feed pan innovation and a heat exchanger, to the public. The Open House event attracted many visitors: About…
Aiming high with two remodeled rearing houses
Extending farms is nothing out of the common. In the case of egg production this is usually achieved by adding new houses. Yona Glicksman and his sons Benny and Moshe, however, decided to go a…
France: New house for free range egg production with 20,840 layers
Most French consumers eat eggs that were produced in enriched colony systems. However, their second favourite egg is the one laid by free-range chickens. Cyril Galles from Lescout in south-western…
Good poultry climate control pays off
Saving energy is an important topic for livestock farmers today, especially in broiler production. Apart from good insulation, the correct heating system and an individual ventilation concept,…
Nigeria: Anambra State to become a centre for poultry production
The vision of Governor Willie Obiano to make Anambra State one of the top 3 states in agriculture in Nigeria is beginning to come to reality with the recent launch of a modern integrated poultry farm…
Poultry house with the newest equipment for broiler breeder management inaugurated
Jörg Lübbers, farmer from Lingen in Northwest Germany, has extended his family-owned farm to include a new broiler breeder house. The new poultry house has room for 18,500 broiler breeders. All…
High dust and ammonia separation rates in broiler production houses
Any farmer who plans to build a new barn knows that there is one question the authorities will certainly ask during the permit procedure: Will emissions affect humans and the environment – and to what…
Electronic sow feeding system "Call-Inn pro" for healthy and happy sows
In 2013, the company Börde Porc GmbH & Co. KG set up a modern sow management farm in one of the most fertile plains of Germany, the so-called "Magdeburg Börde". The new houses provide space for around…
Modern sow management with Big Dutchman pig equipment and pig feeding systems
Luis Junivel travelled approximately 13,300 kilometers – literally halfway around the world – to reach his destination: his own sow farm. The adventurous pig farmer was born in Paraguay, South…
Sow management: Bongdong trumpets stellar production
The past decade has seen changes in the South Korean pig industry landscape. From more than 12,000 pig farms in 2005, the number declined to 6,000 in 2012. Despite this, total pig inventory in the…