Natura Step XL: barn and free range egg production system with a large usable area
All levels are easy to reach, nest acceptance is very high, there is a matching lighting concept: these and more advantages make sure that layers feel happy in the Natura Step XL aviary system. In…
Certified Pollo-M air scrubber for broiler houses cleans the air
Since bird numbers have reached high levels in some regions of the world, farmers in locations with high environmental loads are urged to reduce emissions. Air cleaning systems are an established…
Relax 2.0: global big seller for breeder management scores with new features
Since it was introduced to the market not quite ten years ago, the Relax colony nest has been used for 5.5 million bird places and become one of Big Dutchman’s big sellers. The first model proved to…
Innovative belt system for manure pits significantly improves the climate
In broiler breeder houses, the manure that accumulates over the batch is usually stored in a manure pit below the plastic slat level. SIMBA puts a stop to this method: the new manure removal system…
Egg production: FC-V – the trendsetting feed cart with V-trough
For the digital EuroTier 2021, Big Dutchman presented FC-V, a new feed cart which is ideally suited for all cage systems consisting of up to six tiers without catwalk, and up to ten tiers with…
Viva 330: the new feed pan without grille for successful broiler production
Big Dutchman feed pans for poultry growing have an excellent reputation among broiler producers worldwide. The German poultry equipment supplier has now added a new model to its extensive product…
Breeder management: the world’s first chain feeding system with the entire chain loop in just one trough
Presented by Big Dutchman, MaleChain is the world’s first chain feeding system for separate feeding of male and female broiler breeders where the entire chain loop requires just one trough. The male…
Chain feeding in breeder houses: detail improvements and new concepts
83 years ago, the Big Dutchman founders invented the automatic feed chain, which automated poultry houses the world over. The concept is still the basis for standard components in poultry feeding…
Welfare boot camp for pullets
“The first batch was great!” The Glicksman family – father Yona and his sons Benny and Moshe – from Gedera, 50 kilometres south of Tel Aviv, are perfectly happy with their new rearing aviary. The…
Pig finishing: Danish farmer hosts Open Day with social distancing
Bidding farewell to sow management, Lars Jensen from Aars in Northern Denmark has started finishing pigs on his farmstead “Kællingtandgaard” (“Lotus farm”). For this operational restructuring, the…