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Information about Big Dutchman and the industry, reports about projects and trade shows. We have compiled everything that might interest you in our news portal. Take a look and see for yourself!

Open house: Poultry housing systems and feeding systems for 10,000 turkeys

The Röben family from Edewecht-Osterscheps in the German Ammerland district has been producing turkeys for the past twelve years. To enlarge the family-owned farm further, two new fattening houses for…

Two poultry houses for 40,000 broiler breeders commissioned

Farmer Carsten Focke recently invited guests to an internal open house for his two newly built broiler breeder houses in Lähden, Germany: He now keeps 40,000 broiler breeders in his two 26 x 100…

LED lamps for poultry growing – the dimmer is what’s important

For the broilers on Dirk Bockhorst's farm, the morning starts leisurely. As if the sun were rising, the lights are slowly turned on in the houses located in Emstek, Lower Saxony, Germany. Happy…

Poultry house for 40,000 broilers expands the production branch

Ulrike and Norbert Martkfort from Westladbergen, Westphalia, Germany, are experts in the area of poultry growing: They built their first broiler house ten years ago. The couple has now expanded this…

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