for maximum profitability

With EV 2240-EU, Big Dutchman offers a system for efficient, profitable, welfare-friendly and secure egg production. Essential features of EV 2240-EU are its high reliability, hygiene and ease of use. The system has a depth of 2.24 m in the bird area, including a central partition, which allows for group sizes of 54 laying hens per section. The clear structure (nest, litter area, perches, feed and water supply) provides the birds with ample freedom of movement and thus ensures good welfare.

Main advantages

  • 150 mm wide egg belt and EggSaver for optimal egg quality;
  • flexible nest curtain for uninterrupted egg laying;
  • reliable feed supply with the CHAMPION feed chain: both trough sides are used;
  • no additional technology for litter supply: litter is transported by the feed chain;
  • Wellix litter mat with integrated claw shortener and a long service life;
  • easy-to-use collapsible grilles for good access to the system during single-handed operation;
  • FlexLED lamps inside the system for optimal illumination of the activity area;
  • rugged design;
  • trouble-free assembly from 3 to 9 tiers with catwalks;
  • OptiCoat coating of all wire and sheet metal parts for an ideal finish: 3 to 4 times better corrosion protection than galvanized materials.

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