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The future-oriented straw bedding concept

PureLine products

Pig production on straw that meets the animals’ needs and is still profitable – is that possible? Yes! With the sustainable and animal-friendly Xaletto® straw bedding concept, both piglet rearing and pig finishing are profitable, either in closed houses or in ventilated barns with open-air run.

Xaletto® is the result of a collaboration between Big Dutchman, the feed producer Bröring and an experienced farmer. Prerequisites for the success of the Xaletto® concept include:

  • a well-adjusted ventilation concept
  • an ideal feeding concept
  • optimal water management
  • labour-saving straw management

A clear structure of the pen is of great importance. Feed and water are only available on a raised platform. Depending on the width of the building, either a central aisle or an aisle at the side can be planned. There is no limit to the length of the barn.

Main advantages

  • animal-friendly and environmentally sound management system on straw;
  • suitable for undocked pigs;
  • excellent animal health;
  • intensive rooting in the straw for enrichment stops aggressive behaviour among pigs;
  • no slurry or manure runoff: lower building costs for new barns;
  • the total emission load is more than 20 percent lower than in similar straw-based systems in closed houses;
  • 50 percent less straw required compared to the recommendation of the German Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture (KTBL);
  • the decomposing manure can be composted after the batch, creating a high-quality, nutrient-rich and saleable compost.

Ventilation concept

computer-controlled ventilating and heating

The ventilation concept is similar to that of broiler houses. The high-performance wall or ceiling inlets of our CL series are ideal for creating stable high-velocity ventilation. They provide stable air circulation and supply sufficient fresh air.

The exhaust air can be extracted either individually through exhaust air chimneys on the roof or centrally at the gable. Depending on the relevant regulations, an air scrubber may be necessary. The fin heater is the ideal heating system. Its ribbed tubes are installed below the wall or ceiling inlets to save space. The incoming fresh air can thus be heated very efficiently, whenever necessary.

The ventilation system is controlled by our 307pro or 310pro climate computer. The main goal is to remove moisture from the straw bedding constantly.

Feeding concept

dry feeders and feed with reduced N and P content

Our dry feeding system DryRapid combined with our PigNicdry automatic feeders are the ideal solution for feed supply. The feed table has been specially adapted for the Xaletto® system. The formula with reduced nitrogen and phosphorus content leads to high daily weight gains and keeps the pigs healthy. This feed type is a nutrient-reduced LNE diet that contains humic acid.

The aim is keeping the pigs’ metabolism balanced to prevent unnecessarily high water intake. Feed and water are only available on a raised platform (0.25 cm for piglets and 0.50 cm in two steps for finishing pigs).

Water management

special, sensor-controlled drinkers

Specifically for the Xaletto® system, we have developed a drinker that is designed as a trough, similar to liquid feeding systems. Our reasoning: pigs prefer to ingest feed, as well as their drinking water, from troughs. A fill level sensor ensures that there is always enough water in the trough, but never too much. This reduces water losses to a minimum.

The drinker system is controlled by our BD 103 controller. With this controller, you can continuously monitor your pigs’ water intake.

Straw management

reduced workload with the OlliGes robot

A special straw management combined with a matching climate control system guarantees that moisture is constantly removed from the straw bedding so the straw and manure remain dry. Before the pigs are moved in, an organic activator is added to the straw. This activator starts an aerobic decomposition process: cold composting below 40 °C. The depth of straw remains shallow, with the amount of bedding required being comparatively small.

During rearing, around one kilogram of straw is necessary per piglet to begin with, and two kilograms per pig in the finishing phase. Nitrogen and ammonia are bound by the cold composting process so that emissions are lower.

Main advantages

To reduce the workload, we have available an automated solution for re-bedding with small quantities of straw. The OlliGes straw robot developed by Big Dutchman scans the bedding with a camera and automatically dispenses additional straw over spots that are very dark.

The feed/straw ratio is 7:1. This means that one kilogram of straw is added to the bedding for every seven kilograms of feed ingested.

Air cleaning

with the PURO-X air scrubber

PURO-X is a two-stage, chemical air scrubber that Big Dutchman developed specifically for Xaletto®. The scrubber removes dust, ammonia and odours from the air in the barn. PURO-X has been certified by the German Agricultural Society (DLG, test report no. 7243). The scrubber achieved the following separation rates:

  • > 80% of ammonia (annual average);
  • > 80% of total dust (annual average);
  • odour concentration in clean gas ≤ 300OU/m³;
  • no untreated gas perceptible in the clean gas.

Main advantages

PURO-X is available with an intelligent modular design:

  • easy-to-plan assembly times;
  • lower construction costs;
  • lower installation requirements;
  • single-part plastic housing for reliable and long-term impermeability;
  • high resistance to acids, alkalis and process water;
  • checked functionality.


  • EuroTier 2022: vision-guided straw robot “OlliGES” awarded an innovation medal

    Intelligent, automatic and accurate: OllliGES distributes straw in pig houses with bedding

    Straw bedding in pig houses is gaining in importance, not least for animal welfare reasons. With OlliGES, Big Dutchman has developed a straw robot for the time- and labour-intensive job of dispersing bedding in a barn. The pig farmer can concentrate on other tasks. The new system determines on its own where and how much bedding is needed and distributes the material automatically. The robot can…

  • No odours, no slurry – and tested in practical life with 6,000 animal places

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Test reports and studies

  • PURO product family awarded two DLG seals in three months

    PURO-X air scrubber for pig housing on straw passes demanding usability test

    Big Dutchman is happy to announce that within just three months, a second air scrubber has received a quality mark from the German Agricultural Society (DLG). Not only PURO is now certified to carry the renowned “DLG Approved Full Test” quality seal, but also PURO-X, an air scrubber for pig housing on straw. Both scrubbers successfully passed the long-term DLG test. 


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