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NATURA Primus & NATURA Filia

The animal-friendly rearing aviaries for healthy and uniform pullets

Big Dutchman can offer two different types of aviaries for successful pullet rearing. Both systems have proved their technical maturity in the market and are thus a prerequisite for good rearing results, i.e. uniform and healthy pullets.

Pullets that are intended for laying aviaries should always be reared in aviary systems as well. Intensive training from the first day of life is the most important factor in pullet rearing. Only when pullets learn how to move around in an aviary from the very beginning will they have a good start into the laying period.


The three-level rearing aviary is available in a variety of versions

NATURAPrimus can be supplied in two widths (1600 and 1866 mm). In both widths, the aviary is also available as raised system. The house floor beneath the raised system is used as litter area, i.e. it counts as usable area. In addition to the house width, the height of the barn is thus a crucial factor, especially for existing houses.

To achieve the ideal stocking density, the aviary should be selected based on the house dimensions for this reason

Main advantages

  • NATURAPrimus is available in a great variety of versions to achieve ideal stocking densities in any barn;
  • foldable partitions in the system every 2.40 m (optionally every 1.20 m) guarantee that moving in and out as well as catching for vaccination purposes remain stress-free;
  • the third level may be equipped with feed lines as well.


  • Natura Primus aviary: “The first batch was great!”

    Welfare boot camp for pullets

    “The first batch was great!” The Glicksman family – father Yona and his sons Benny and Moshe – from Gedera, 50 kilometres south of Tel Aviv, are perfectly happy with their new rearing aviary. The project was a debut for the whole of Israel: in Matzliha, the long-standing Big Dutchman customer installed the first cage-free aviary for pullet rearing on Israeli territory: Natura Primus. The modern…

  • Aviary systems: new building for 29,800 hens for organic egg production

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    German consumers demand more and more organic eggs. While 6.2 % of bird places were for organic egg production in 2010, this figure had nearly doubled by the end of November 2018, at 11.1 %. Since sales volumes for organic eggs are expected to remain stable or even increase in the long term, and because both layers and pullets should be housed under organic conditions, the Korf-Pohlmeyer family…

  • NATURA Filia rearing aviary: French poultry keepers transform enriched colony system into school

    60,000 pullets learn for life

    Christelle and Bruno Le Parc from Priziac (department 56), about 100 km east of Brest in Brittany, have transformed one of their poultry houses: where they once kept their layers in enriched colony systems, pullets now learn how to fly and jump in the Big Dutchman rearing aviary NATURA Filia. The couple’s decision to change their management system was based on current market trends: more and more…

  • Proagro Nymburk a.s. remodels barns: efficient and modern egg production in Natura 60 aviaries

    Czech Republic: “golden eggs” from barn egg production

    Proagro Nymburk a.s. from Nymburk in the Czech Republic produces and distributes pork and poultry meat as well as eggs. To meet the demand for more welfare in poultry production and to be consistent with EU regulations, the company located near Prague has tackled an ambitious barn egg production project: a complete renovation of the layer farm Mestec Kralove.  Originally, nine livestock buildings…

  • Big Dutchman equips two poultry houses with the classic NATURA 60 aviary

    “Cool Eggs” from Markovice in the Czech Republic

    About 100 km east of Prague, in Markovice, Unikom a.s. operates a layer farm. Unikom is committed to producing high-quality eggs labelled as “Cool Eggs” (Pohodová vejce), based on the long tradition and modern production on the Markovice farm. Annual production reaches up to 17 million eggs, which are distributed through Unikom’s own wholesale network in the Czech Republic. Big Dutchman provided…



The two-level rearing aviary provides pullets with much freedom of movement from the very first day

NATURAFilia is available in two widths (1866 and 2239 mm). The large distance between the aviary levels makes for a very open design. The farm staff are easily able to access both levels. Feed and water are within easy reach for the birds. The special feature of NATURAFilia is its internal intermediate level, located in the back of both tiers.

  • this generates additional system area;
  • the birds can jump back and forth from an early age, even if the system is still closed: training as early as possible;
  • the height of the drinker line corresponds to the height of the intermediate level.

Main advantages

  • intermediate levels inside the system help train the pullets to jump and fly even from a very early age (while the system is still closed), i.e. the system can be opened very early on and the pullets can use the litter area extensively;
  • sliding partitions every 1485 mm reduce  stress during moving in and out and when catching the birds for vaccination;
  • an optimised section dimension of 1485 mm improves productivity;
  • optimum ratio between usable area and feeding space ensures ideal utilisation of the house;
  • each level can be equipped with two additional perches.


  • Big Dutchman customer sold on rearing and laying aviaries

    “We think it’s worth buying good quality equipment; then if you look after it – it will look after you!”

    Britons love eggs from free range hens: in 2017, 55.6 % of layers were producing free range eggs, more than any other type. To be able to meet this demand, Bird Bros Ltd. decided three years ago to extend the family-owned farm by three new barns for free range egg production and one new barn for pullet rearing. Having worked with Newquip on previous projects, the egg producers from Bedfordshire…

  • NATURA Filia rearing aviary: French poultry keepers transform enriched colony system into school

    60,000 pullets learn for life

    Christelle and Bruno Le Parc from Priziac (department 56), about 100 km east of Brest in Brittany, have transformed one of their poultry houses: where they once kept their layers in enriched colony systems, pullets now learn how to fly and jump in the Big Dutchman rearing aviary NATURA Filia. The couple’s decision to change their management system was based on current market trends: more and more…


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