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The versatile and efficient dry feeding systems for experts

Whenever dry feed, be it mash, crumbles or pellets, has to be conveyed or distributed on a pig farm, Big Dutchman’s DryRapid is the ideal transport system – from the silo discharge all the way to the feed trough. This efficient pipe  conveying system is available as DR 1500 with a conveying capacity of up to 1500 kg/h.

DryRapid can be controlled either by the DryRapid 103 controller or with our management and control system BigFarmNet. For large amounts of cereal and feed, Big Dutchman can additionally offer the DR 6500 with a conveying capacity of up to 6500 kg/h.

Main advantages

  • DryRapid is a versatile system and therefore ideally suited for the modernisation of existing barns;
  • feed can be taken directly from the silo, i.e. additional feed augers are not required;
  • an upgrade to a computer-controlled feeding system is possible at any time;
  • high conveying capacity;
  • smooth feed transport with minimum losses;
  • the filling level can be adjusted separately for all feeders by means of a telescopic drop pipe;
  • low maintenance requirements and long service life.


  • “I am very happy, and with an expansion like this one, it makes sense to continue working with established systems.”

    Animal-friendly electronic sow feeding system CallMatic feeds sows individually and as required

    Danish farmer Jeppe Bloch from Vejen, 100 kilometres north of the German border, recently expanded his sow house to add 850 places. The long building, with a seamless connection between old and new part, now houses 1,650 sows. The pigs are kept in animal-friendly groups and fed by the computer-controlled electronic sow feeding (ESF) system CallMatic. The feed is transported by the DryRapid…

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    Sow management: Bongdong trumpets stellar production

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    Electronic sow feeding system "Call-Inn pro" for healthy and happy sows

    In 2013, the company Börde Porc GmbH & Co. KG set up a modern sow management farm in one of the most fertile plains of Germany, the so-called "Magdeburg Börde". The new houses provide space for around 2,400 productive sows and 600 gilts. Once again, Big Dutchman was allowed to prove its capability by providing the required sow equipment.  To date, Börde Porc's location Hadmersleben and the region…


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