“These were my best batches!” Mr Stathis Kosta, from near the Cypriot capital of Nicosia, is delighted with his four new poultry houses, which Big Dutchman recently equipped with the latest technology for broiler growing: The computer-controlled buildings make work easy for the farmer, and a sophisticated ventilation system ensures that his broilers feel comfortable even in temperatures of up to 44 degrees. Mr Kosta is particularly pleased with the feed pans, from which both day-old chicks and adult birds eat easily. The result: a good start in life for the young birds.
We are proud of our customers
From family farms to commercial farms, we supply them all – anywhere in the world. For ten thousands of farmers Big Dutchman is THE supplier for poultry equipment of any kind. And it makes no difference whether the farm is raising ten thousand, twenty thousand, two hundred thousand or two million birds.
To us it is quality that matters, not only quantity. We always have a workable solution for any possible problem. And many of these have been successfully installed already.
Here you will find some concrete examples:
“My best batches!”
Broiler growing on Cyprus: state-of-the-art technology ensures record results
The farmer runs 12 poultry houses in the mountains near the capital. With the four new buildings, he has broken new ground in his business: The buildings are completely closed and a state-of-the-art ventilation system ensures an optimal indoor climate in all seasons.
The climate in Nicosia is characterised by hot and humid summers and cold winters. These are ideal conditions for the CombiTunnel ventilation system, which allows the poultry house climate to be flexibly adapted to the different weather conditions and the needs of the birds: when outside temperatures are high, ventilation is set to tunnel mode, while side ventilation ensures comfort during lower temperatures.
House ventilation is controlled by the ViperTouch climate computer, which guarantees a smooth transition between the two modes. Tunnel mode is chosen when inside temperatures exceed the desired temperature that the birds require according to the batch curve. Side mode is the ventilation of choice when the house temperatures are lower or the same as the inside temperature required as per the batch curve.
Monitoring the house climate and daily fresh air rate per bird is just one of the many tasks ViperTouch performs in a broiler house. The house can be ventilated based on maximum carbon dioxide levels. In this manner, fresh air supply meets exactly the birds’ needs, which significantly lowers heating costs.
This specific project uses 2-zone side ventilation, i.e. in side mode, the ViperTouch computer can control the front and rear of the house independently as two separate areas.
The computer controls feed and water supply, monitors the silo contents and ensures that the lighting programmes run perfectly, all in accordance with the batch curves. ViperTouch also records daily readings of poultry scales. The Swing 20 weigher thus allows the farmer to continuously monitor the growth and health of his birds and to make timely adjustments, if necessary.
The Fluxx 360 feed pans are a bestseller for a reason: Big Dutchman’s designers have tailored them to meet the needs of broilers at any age, from newly hatched chicks to ready-for-slaughter birds, ensuring optimum care and good bird health.