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DOL 53

The first NH3 sensor for continuous measuring of the ammonia concentration in the house air

DOL 53 is an electrochemical, long-term stable NH3 sensor developed by the company Dräger. The sensor is very robust and well-suited for use in livestock facilities. The Big Dutchman group is the first and only equipment supplier offering this sensor. DOL 53 permanently monitors the ammonia concentration in the house air, thus permitting the house climate to be controlled based on the sensor’s measurements.

Our climate computers ViperTouch and 307pro can receive and process the data provided by the sensor to regulate the house climate according to the measured values. Additionally, the AC Touch alarm unit can record the data and use BigFarmNet to analyse them.

Fontos előnyök

  • exact and continuous measuring of the NH3 concentration in the house air;
  • measuring range covers concentrations typical for livestock production;
  • easy integration into existing houses and their climate control systems;
  • robust and reliable;
  • easy to install;
  • analogue 0 to 10 V output.

My Big Dutchman


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