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Drinking systems

Fresh water for rearing and heavier poultry

To meet the specific requirements of any type of poultry, i.e. broilers, turkeys, ducks, breeders and layers, Big Dutchman can offer a wide range of drinking systems, as well as indispensable accessories. The Big Dutchman product range includes:

  • nipple drinkers
  • special drinkers for turkeys
  • special drinkers for ducks
  • bell drinkers
  • suspension systems
  • water connection units with medicator
  • SonicClean

Nipple drinkers

Hygienic supply of drinking water for your birds

In modern poultry production, nipple drinkers have proven to be both a reliable and a hygienic solution to water provision problems. The Big Dutchman nipple drinkers can generally be divided into two groups:

  • 360° nipples for vertical and horizontal actuation;
  • nipples for vertical actuation only.

In addition to the nipples themselves, a nipple drinker system consists of other important parts, which Big Dutchman can offer in different versions:

  • Pressure regulators
  • (Flushing) breather units
  • Gradient regulators
  • Nipple pipes with support and anti-roost wire
  • Suspension systems

Penduval 2

The hygienic drinker specifically made for turkey rearing and finishing

With Penduval 2, Big Dutchman offers a drinker specifically designed for turkeys. This drinker supplies turkeys of every age (even heavy toms with a live weight of more than 20 kg) with sufficient amounts of hygienic drinking water.

Penduval 2 consists of a 28 mm nipple pipe, a two-arm cup reinforced by stainless steel as an open water source and two nipples with a pendulum. Optimum access to drinking water and a very reliable water supply are thus guaranteed.


The duck drinker for increased animal welfare

Pekino is a drinker for ducks developed by Big Dutchman in cooperation with the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and other experts. The biological requirements of ducks regarding water are met ideally with Pekino. Not only can the ducks easily drink from the cup, they can also wash their bills and submerge their heads entirely thanks to the cup’s special design. These are important prerequisites to keep the ducks healthy, and thus lead to ideal fattening results.

Vantaggi principali

  • the deep-drawn, funnel-shaped cup drinker meets the ducks’ biological requirements ideally and is therefore a good water source;
  • the mobile pendulum allows the ducks to independently ensure a constant water flow;
  • the ducks’ bills can reach all the way to the reinforced cup base so they can strain out all the suspended particles, leaving no deposit;
  • water losses due to overflowing are significantly reduced thanks to a special rim for returning water;
  • Pekino improves the health of the ducks;
  • the requirements in section 11, paragraph 2 of the “Recommendation concerning domestic ducks” of the Council of Europe are met.

Bell drinkers

Open water source for all types of poultry

The Big Dutchman product range includes not only nipple drinkers, but also bell drinkers, which differ according to bird type and weight.

Bell drinkers are usually suspended. Thanks to the narrow water jet running along its side, the bell remains clean. The water does not splash over the rim and is thus not wasted. This stops the formation of ammonia in the house because the litter remains dry.

Suspension systems

Cable winches to raise the drinker lines

When poultry are kept on the floor, it is very important to adjust the height of the drinker lines in relation to the birds’ age. Easy and sufficient water intake can only be guaranteed when the birds have to stretch upwards for drinking, without splashing.

Cable winches are the best option to pull up suspended feed and drinker lines under the ceiling. This also significantly facilitates cleaning and moving birds in and out of the house.

Water connection unit with medicator

For a better overview and increased functionality

The water connection unit is an indispensable part of the drinking system. It is installed in the service room, between the water system and the drinker lines. The water connection unit can consist of different components depending on your wishes. Possible parts include a water filter, a pressure reducer, a bypass for the medicator and a water meter.

The medicator dispenses the correct quantity of the medicant into the drinking water. The quantity to be dispensed can be adjusted precisely as the medicants are fed into the drinking system in proportion to the actual water consumption.


Clean drinker lines through ultrasound

SonicClean is a very efficient cleaning method for drinker lines based on the proven ultrasound technology.

An actuator that creates sonic waves is installed in the water pipe by means of a T-piece, ideally directly after the water connection unit. The sonic waves are transmitted by the water, reaching every nook and cranny. Deposits become loosened and microorganisms are effectively prevented from adhering to the pipes.

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