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Landpost 47/2007

"Dem niedersächsischen Stalleinrichter Big Dutchman liegen derzeit Bestellungen für rund 3,3 Millionen Legehennenplätze vor. Viele Eierproduzenten rüsten auf das neue Kleingruppen-Haltungssystem mit Legenest, Sandbad und Sitzstangen für Gruppengrößen von 60 Tieren um. Denn ab 2009 ist die herkömmliche Käfighaltung in Deutschland nicht mehr erlaubt. [...]"

Zootecnica, November 2007

"At the Latin American Poultry Congress and show end of September 2007 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, the Big Dutchman product range once again attracted a lot of visitors. "The attendance of the event proved altogether excellent, and the Big Dutchman booth was very busy all the time", commented Clovis Rayzel, managing director of Big Dutchman Inc., USA, the lively interest of South American poultry producers in the state-of-the-art technology from Big Dutchman. [...] "

Selecciones Avícolas, Octubre 2007

"Las Novedades Bajo el Titulo "Innovspace"-Eurovent 1250 - Se trata de una batería para ponedoras equipada con una cinta para las deyecciones. [...]"

DLG-Trendmonitor, 10/2007

"DLG-Image-Barometer 2007: Die 60 besten Unternehmen. [...] Erstmals steht mit Big Dutchman ein Stallausrüster an der Spitze der Image-Rangliste im Bereich Tierhaltung. [...] Big Dutchman gilt als besonders innovatives Unternehmen - hier erzielte es insgesamt die höchsten Zuwächse - und erhielt zudem die meisten Nennungen für die beste Werbung sowie für den Internet- und Unternehmensauftritt. [...]"

Asian Poultry Magazine, July 2007

"Improved genetics boost China's broiler industry - As in a step-by-step modernization mode, feeding facilities on the GP farms have been partly replaced with equipment from Big Dutchman [...]"

Polskie Drobiarstwo 07/2007

"Już tradycyjnie, co roku, do Zakopanego pryzjechali producenci i dystrybutorzy jaj spożywczych. XI Szmpozjum Drobiarskie odbyło się w dniach 14-16 czerwca i zostało zorganizowane przez firmy: Big Dutchman Polska Sp. z o.o., Krajową Izbę Producentów Sp. z o.o. [...] Organizatorzy jak co roku przygotowali wykłady z tematów które najbardziej obecnie interesują sektor jajczarski. [...]"

International Hatchery Practice, Vol. 21 No. 7

"Options for breeder nests-The Big Dutchman group laying nest Colony 2+ for broiler breeders is characterised by two main features: a central egg belt; an integrated expel system by means of a tilting nest floor. The central egg belt ensures a very short rolling-off distance for hatching eggs. This significantly reduces the amount of cracked, har cracked and dirty eggs. [...]"

Zootechnica, май - июнь 2007

VIV Россия 2007 Авимакс - это новая система клеток для бройлеров, разработанная Big Dutchman, которая соответствует даже самым высоким требованям. [...]"

International Poultry Production, Vol. 15 No. 6 2007

"Big Dutchman's newly developed Viper is a modular climate and production computer for use in layer houses and also for use in breeder management and broiler finihsing. [...] Climate control with Viper can be freely selected by the operator in three different ways - basic, flexible and advanced [...]"

Aisan Poultry Magazine, April 2007

"VIV Asia - The Best Exhibitor Award organized by Asian Agribusiness PUblications saw glittery sashes and floral ribbons presented to participants in four specific categories. The winners were: Big Dutchman-livestock equipment [...]"

International Poultry Production, Vol. 15 No. 4 2007

"New feeding systems for broiler breeders - Repromatic is a new feeding system developed by Big Dutchman to ideally meet the particular requirements of broiler breeder management. FluxxBreeder is their newly developed feed pan that can be used in rearing for day-old to death production and in broiler breeder production. [...]"

ZOOTECNICA, April 2007

"Viper is Big Dutchman's new modular climate and production computer for poultry houses (broiler production, laying hens and breeder management). [...]

Big Dutchman's Viper not only combines the most important climate and production functions but, thanks to its large graphical display, it is also very easy-to-use. [...]"

Asian Poultry Magazine, March 2007

"Endorsement for Big Dutchman's guide vane-Recognising that air and odour emissions from livestock buildings have to be led away from the buildings as far as possible so that they spread before they start to bother anybody, Big Dutchman came up with an effective and innovative system. [...] The patented technology consists of a simple insert for standard exhaust air chimneys which centralises the exhaust air jet. [...]"

Poultry Digest, Feb./March 2007

"New products from VIV Asia-Big Dutchman's Rainmaker evaporative cool pad system - Big Dutchman's new recirculating evaporative cooling system incorporates features designed to make installation and maintenance simpler than many typical systems in the market and still provide optimum performance. [...] "

International Hatchery Practice, Vol. 21 No. 3 2007

"Air and odour emissions from livestock buildings have to be led away from the buildings as far as possible. Big Dtuchman offers an effective tool to fulfil these requirements without making it necessary to install unsightly and expensive extra chimneys - a guide vane for poultry and pig houses. [...]"

International Poultry Production, Vol. 15 No. 2

"Big Dutchman's SaniStar for broilers-To achieve optimum performance from your birds, it is extremely important to provide fresh and clean drinking water. SaniStar from Big Dutchman is a new hygienic nipple without drip cup for growing broilers. [...]"

Asian Poultry Magazine, January/February 2007

 "Big Dutchman once again will introduce innovations at VIV Asia at booth 1L010. Among their new offerings will be a modular climate and production computer Viper, that creates an optimal climate in each type of poultry house and for each type of ventilation; MagixX & StuffNix, exhaust air treatment systems that effectively reduce ammonia, dust and odour emissions in one or more treatment processes [...]. Also on show will be a cage system called ProfitTier Plus for layers that features sliding doors and an accessible feed trough."

Far Eastern Agriculture, Jan./Feb. 2007

"With its investments in Asia delivering two-digit growth rates, reliable partners and an ever-increasing number of satisfied customers, Big Dutchman has opened its first logistics centre outside of Germany in Malaysia, on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital. [...]"

atr express aktualności techniki rolniczej, 30.01.2007

"Big Dutchman - Nowa stacja paszowa - Spółka córka firmy Big Dutchman z Tarnowa Podgórnego oferuje na rynku szstem żywienia wywoływanego - Callmatic 2. Taki sposób żywienia, oparty na transpoderach dla loch utrzymywanych grupowo, jest dostępny na rynku już od 25 lat, jednak firma z Tarnowa była jedną z pierwszych w tej branży, która zaprojektowała technologię oray urządzenia i oprogramowanie do całego systemu. W praktyce stacja firmy Big Dutchman pozwala na prowadzenie systematycznych codziennych czynności, aby zakłócenia i usterki były minimalne. [...]"

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