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Selecciones avícolas No 732 Diciembre 2019

GENERADORES DE AIRE CALIENTE Aunque el principio de su funcionamiento proviene de hace anos - generar aire caliente mediante gas-oil o gas propano -, sus disenos y montaje han evolucionado profundamente. [...] En un principio, su funcionamiento se basaba en el montaje de un solo aparato en el clásico almacén central de los primeros criaderos industriales de pollos, que proyecta el aire caliente, generado por gas-oil o gas propano, hacia el interior de la nave, en los direcciones, regulándose la temperatura de la misma mediante un termostato. [...]

PLUIMVEEWEB december nummer 7 2019

Luchtwassers tegen ammoniak, geur en stof Omdat de dierenpopulatie in sommige Duitse regio's een hoog niveau heeft bereikt, zijn boeren verplicht om op zwaar belaste locaties de emissies te verlagen. [...] Al vele jaren begeleidt Big Dutchman de trend naar een emissievrije veehouderij met eigen reinigingssystemen voor de afvoerlucht. [...]

ASIAN POULTRY Magazine October 2019

Big Dutchman Malaysia banks on after sales service Big Dutchman's After Sales and Field Services team based in its Kuala Lumpur regional office services countries all over the Asia Pacific region as well as Malaysia. [...] "Malaysia being the melting pot, multi-lingual and one of the first countries in the region to grow economically was a good location choice to set-up the regional office here. We also have many customers locally and the central location makes it easy for the after sales team to move "around," said Mr. Gocze.

ASIAN POULTRY Magazine October 2019

Farmers embrace closed-house duck farming [...] Egg management, hygiene and drinking [...] Big Dutchman has developed a plastic slat flooring system that it claims has a range of benefits over conventional floors. With their slightly rounded links, the polypropylene slats ensure that manure drains easily, while a non-slip surface and wider links take into account a duck's sensitive webbed feet. [...]


Big Dutchman offers housing solution through Agricon [...] Agricon, a global Big Dutchman brand for livestock buildings, as well as turnkey solutions for modern pig production, specializes in building poultry, swine, slaughter and hatchery houses to strengthen Big Dutchman's presence in a market constantly diversifying with new technical knowledge. [...]"Being part of a global entity is an advantage in many folds as we can call ourselves a one-stop solution business. We not only provide housing for food animals but provide service for the agro-based industry, slaughterhouses, hatcheries, storage facilities and pig production buildings," Mr Burleson said. [...]

PLUIMVEEWEB augustus nummer 5 2019

Stalkimaat: voorkomen van hittestress Korte perioden in de zomermaanden hoge temperaturen in combinatie met een hoge luchtvochtigheid doen zich tegenwoordig ongebruikelijk vaak en langdurig voor. [...]Meer weten? Ga naar www.pluimveeweb.nl/partners/ en klik op Big Dutchman

International Poultry Production Volume 27 Number 6

The hygienic drinker made especially for turkeys Penduval - the patented drinker for turkey rearing and finishing - is a new addition to the Big Dutchman product range. It supplies turkeys of every age, even heavy-weight birds over 20kg live weight, with sufficient amounts of clean drinking water. The drinker consists of a cup that offers the birds open water and a nipple with a pendulum. [...] Each time a bird drinks, the bird's head causes the pendulum to move sideways. With this motion, the nipple valve opens and water flows from the inside of the pendulum into the cup. [...]


Big Dutchman Introduces smart manure control "Manure management is the one of the most problematic issues in farm management. Change is inevitable and we create innovation by prioritizing labor cost, energy, manure management, and biosecurity to modernize the whole supply chain," Janjaap van der Mark, Big Dutchman Joint Managing Director told Asian Poultry Magazine. [...] The company's latest manure belt system for poultry houses features self-regulating straight running belts to ensure reliability as well as time an cost savings. It helps reduce ammonia emissions and thus contributes to an improved climate in the house and to the birds' health, he said. 


Big Dutchman books major turnkey project in Vietnam Big Dutchman has signed a contract to supply broiler and breeder poultry equipment as well as buildings for a farm in Vietnam. [...]Big Dutchman will be providing a turnkey project of breeder and production houses located in Binh Thuan province. [...], the farm will have over 100,000 birds in 12 houses. The equipment and building structure will be supplied by Big Dutchman Asia and by Agricon respectively. [...]


Big Dutchman has new Regional Sales Director Eric Gohres has joined Big Dutchman Asia as the Regional Sales Director for Business Unit - Poultry (BU Poultry) and will be overseeing the Asian region. [...]


Insektenproteine in der Fütterung. Nur als "Goodie" für die Puten [...]wurden in den Testställen des Moorgut Kartzfehn in Zusammenarbeit mit der Rewe Gruppe seit 2017 in mehreren Mastdurchgängen verschiedene Aspekte der Gabe von lebenden Larven der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege an Putenhähne untersucht. [...] Hierbei wurden die Larven über ein von Big Dutchman entwickeltes Fördersystem automatisch zu den Puten geleitet. [...]

International Hatchery Practice Volume 33 Number 4

The perfect group laying nest for broiler breeders Big Dutchman's group laying nest Relax was developed specifically for broiler breeders. It helps maintain a high hygienic standard. The egg' roll-off distance from the nest to the longitudinal egg belt is very short. Another feature is the automatic and reliable nest-closing system for the night that keeps hens from sleeping and brooding inside the nest - and therefore from soiling it. [..] With the Relax nest, Big Dutchman provides ideal conditions for a high share of hatching eggs, and thus for successful broiler breeder production. [...] Another great new feature is the nest-integrated bird scale Nesca. When the hens visit the nest to lay their eggs, their weight is now determined during this visit. [...]

DGS INTERN 15/2019

GeflügelMobil ausleihen Ab sofort kann das GeflügelMobil von den Mitgliedern der Bundes- und Landesverbände des Zentralverbandes der Deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft (ZDG) für die eigene Öffentlichkeitsarbeit z.B. auf Messen, Volks- und Hoffesten und anderen Veranstaltungen ausgeliegen werden. [...] Das GeflügelMobil ermöglicht per iPad einen interaktiven 360-Grad-Rundumblick in einen Hähnchen-, Puten- oder Legehennenstall. Entwickelt wurde es vom Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft (FML), der Firma Big Dutchman und dem ZDG. [...]

Betrieb der Zukunft DGS 14/2019

Den Biofilm in seinem Wachstum hemmen Der Schlauch und die Tränkwasserhygiene: Was ist zu beachten, um den Tieren immer sauberes Tränkwasser zur Verfügung zu stellen? [...]


Big Dutchman sees growth in India One of the largest players serving the global poultry industry, Big Dutchman has renewed its interest in India. [...] Some of the products Big Dutchman offers the Indian market are the Univent Parents-AI broiler breeder cage, relax group laying nest, poultry feeding systems and solutions for healthy environment inside the barn. [...]

Arab World Agribusiness, Vol. 35 2019, No 2

Big Dutchman acquires French distributor Matavicol Industrie The Big Dutchman group from Vechta, Germany, has taken over one of its longterm distribution partners in France. [...] "The previous owner, JLC Participations, wanted to ensure a secure future tor the company and its 30 qualified sales and service staff members at the right time," [...]. The transaction is in line with the strategic goal Big Dutchman pursues in France: consequent expansion. [...] Big Dutchman is considered the world's leading equipment supplier for modern pig and poultry production. [...]


Zweinutzungshühner. Leistung und Tierwohl vereinen [...]: Integration von Mast und Eierproduktion bei Einsatz des Zweinutzungshuhns als Maßnahme zum Tierschutz" ist ein im Rahmen dieser Fördermaßnahmen durch die Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank und die Beteiligung von Industriepartnern unterstütztes Projekt. [...] Diese verfolgen gemeinsam das Ziel, die Legehennen- und Masthühngerhaltung durch einen integrierten Ansatz unter Einsatz von Hühnern einer Zweinutzungslinie, Lohmann Dual, zu verbessern. [...] Der Legehennenstall ist in drei Stallabteile unterteilt (zwei Abteile mit mehretagiger Bodenhaltung System Natura Lege Typ Nova 270 1E von Big Dutchman mit und ohne außenliegendem Scharrraum sowie ein Abteil Aufzucht System Natura Primus von Big Dutchman). [...] In dem Projekt Integhof konnte gezeigt werden, dass die gemeinsame Haltung von Hähnen zur Mast, von Hennen zur Eiererzeugung sowie von Junghennen auf einem Betrieb aus Tiergesundheitssicht problemlos über drei Durchgänge (Mast- und Legephasen) durchgeführt werden konnte. [...]

International Hatchery Practice Volume 33 Number 1

Options for. Fast chain feeding system for broiler breeder management Big Dutchman's fast chain feeding system for broiler breeders has an unsurpassed conveying capacity of 36m/min. The Champion feed chain distributes feed rapidly, uniformly and reliably. Over the past 75 years, the reliability of the Champion feed chain has been proven time and again. [...]


Big Dutchman Indonesia relocates to new, bigger warehouse PT BD Agriculture Indonesia has relocated to a new warehouse at the Techno Park Warehousing Complex in Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD), South Tangerang as its business continues to grow in the country. [...] "With the upsized, well-organized and well-equipped warehouse, we will be able to meet increasing demand for Big Dutchman's automatic poultry farm equipment in Indonesia," said Eric Borren, President Director. [...]

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