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The welfare barn with solid flooring

PureLine products

Havito® stands for an animal-friendly pig production method that produces reduced emissions whilst maintaining profitability. Our patented Havito® concept features a completely new pen layout with solid concrete flooring and a connected system for manure removal called PigT.

This concept has proved to allow profitable piglet rearing, pig finishing and wean-to-finish systems: in closed housing, in ventilated barns with stimulating fresh air or in true naturally ventilated open-air barns with outside run.

Havito® was developed through the close cooperation between Big Dutchman and feed producer Bröring.

Ważne zalety

  • animal-friendly and environmentally sound management system without unpleasant odours in the barn;
  • suitable for rearing and finishing of undocked pigs, including the wean-tofinish method;
  • easy spreading of roughage and use of organic manipulable material to prevent aggressive behaviour towards other pigs in the pen;
  • virtually no NH3 emissions in the barn;
  • structured pen with continuous solid floor, i.e. no slatted flooring;
  • separate collection of faeces and urine: the manure can easily be processed further (drying, composting);
  • design as a barn with open-air run also possible.

Clear pen structure

reliable operation of the PigT pig toilet

The clear structure of the pen animates the pigs to define functional areas as soon as they are moved in. The continuous solid flooring offers space for activities, eating and resting.

The cover at one end of the pen creates a microclimate, resulting in an attractive resting area with minimal amounts of bedding. Many types of organic manipulable material can be offered as bedding for rooting and eating, without negatively affecting manure removal.

The pigs defecate and urinate on the PigT pig toilet. This pig toilet consists of a plastic belt on which both pigs and staff can walk. It fits neatly into the flooring surface. The solid components of the manure and any remaining organic material stay on the belt and are removed from the pen at adjustable intervals when the circular belt slowly transports the manure into the collection channel.

Feed and water supply

Dry feeders provide the pigs with feed. Our proven and efficient DryRapid conveyor system DR 1500 transports the dry feed, which is supplied as meal, crumbs or pellets. Another feeding option is our computercontrolled DryExactpro system. Roughage can also be spread easily on the continuous solid floor.

Nipple drinkers at different heights and drinking bowls make sure that the pigs have access to sufficient amounts of water at all times. To ensure that the solid floor remains dry, the drinkers should be installed near PigT. Any excess water can then drain off into the urine collecting pan.

Ventilation concept

a healthy climate for the pigs and the staff

The high-performance wall inlets of our CL series are ideal for creating high-velocity ventilation in closed housing. They provide stable air circulation and supply sufficient fresh air. Exhaust air chimneys on the roof remove the exhaust air centrally or at individual points.

For heating, we recommend a floor heating system. Since the resting area is equipped with a climate cover, the barn in general does not require as much heating. Especially for the piglets, the climate cover functions as a retreat. In later finishing phases, the cover can be raised mechanically.

The climate in the barn is controlled by our 307pro or 310pro climate computer.


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