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Earny 2 heat exchanger

With Earny 2, Big Dutchman can offer you a heat exchanger with optimised technical features. Its predecessor has proven its worth since 2011. The heat exchanger recovers the thermal energy in the exhaust air of poultry houses. This means:

  • heating cost savings of up to 60 per cent;
  • an improved house climate;
  • reduced emissions.

Earny 2 is available in four sizes, depending on the number of birds in the house.

How Earny 2 works

Earny 2 is a cross-flow heat exchanger. This means that warm house air and cold fresh air simultaneously pass through an exchanger element, but do not mix. The filter unit ensures that the exhaust air is clean before it enters the heat exchanger.

The filter cartridges are cleaned by means of compressed air, preventing loss of performance by the heat exchanger during the batch. The fresh air is also filtered to stop dust and leaves from entering the heat exchanger.

The warmed fresh air flows from the exchanger element directly into the house via the shortest route. Big Dutchman offers an additional hot-water heating element. This element heats the fresh air even further as an option.

Ważne zalety

  • energy savings of up to 60 per cent depending on the location and application;
  • heat recovery of up to 194 kW;
  • supplied ready for connection for easy assembly;
  • intelligent control with the ViperTouch climate computer or amacs;
  • no unhygienic pipe system, no energy loss: extremely short distances between house and heat exchanger;
  • fully-automatic cleaning of the filter unit during the batch (exception: Earny 2 S) to avoid performance losses;
  • easy wet cleaning of the filters after the batch; in case of freezing temperatures, the filters can be removed easily and quickly for cleaning inside the house (exception: Earny 2 S);
  • the height of the exhaust air pipe from the house into the heat exchanger can be selected flexibly on site; as an alternative, an opening can be made to connect the filter chamber directly to the house.

Earny 2 S: small but still great!

In addition to the successful Earny 2 heat exchanger, available in the sizes M, L and XL, the Big Dutchman product range also includes Earny 2 S, a heat exchanger especially well-suited for smaller houses with 5 000 to 12 000 birds and an air flow rate of 5 000 m3/h.

Earny 2 S functions according to the same principle as the other Earny 2 heat exchangers. Warm house air and cold fresh air simultaneously pass through an exchanger element, but do not mix. Pocket filters ensure that only clean house air enters the exchanger element and then flows outside through the chimney. The fresh air is also filtered to stop dust and other debris such as leaves from entering the heat exchanger.

Significant emission reductions with Earny 2

Reducing emissions that come from livestock buildings and damage the environment is an important goal. Responsible authorities more often than not require measures that will ensure emission reduction. The focus is put on ammonia, odour and dust.

Measurements carried out by the LUFA Nord-West (accredited German service laboratory) at a broiler farm with 41100 birds per house (house 1 with heat exchanger (HE)), house 2 without HE) over a period of 44 days showed excellent results.

  • 29 % less ammonia emissions
  • 33 % less odour emissions per year
  • 11 % to 28 % dust separation rate per year

Earny 2: Improved house climate and significantly lower emissions!

Ważne zalety

  • improved house climate for healthier birds and better production results;
  • dry litter for healthy feet;
  • reduced use of medication;
  • lower CO2 emissions thanks to heat energy savings*;
  • reduced emissions from the house (ammonia, dust, odour);
  • adjustment of the humidity;
  • retrofitting possible in older and renovated houses;
  • available in the following colours: blue, green, brown.

* 37 t less CO2 per year for a house with 42000 birds and utilisation of natural gas

Earny heat exchanger tested by the DLG

The heat recovery efficiency of the Earny heat exchanger for poultry houses is far above standard. Comprehensive tests under practical conditions in the context of the renowned DLG FokusTest have proven this. For the excellent test results see the test report available for download.



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