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The perfect computer for controlling natural ventilation in your barn

Natural ventilation in pig and poultry houses is a good option especially in regions without frost – and available at a reasonable price. To control the air exchange, roller curtains with electric winches are used on both long sides of the building, which is a well-proven concept to open and close the barn.

Based on the temperature and additionally supported by data from a weather station, Breezy controls the curtains automatically and independently of the side.

Важливі переваги

  • coloured 7-inch display with a clear structure
  • with its 12 relays, Breezy controls:
    - up to 2 recirculation fans
    - up to 4 actuators / electric winches
    - heating and cooling
    - up to 3 air exit flaps
  • available for connection are:
    - up to 3 temperature sensors
    - one CO2 sensor
    - one humidity sensor
    - one water meter
  • integrated weather station to determine wind speed and direction
  • compatible with BigFarmNet for poultry, for pig from November 2021

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